A groin strain may occur if too much stress is exerted on the muscles in your groin and thigh. This article discusses how to recover from a groin pull.
A groin strain, or groin pull, refers to tearing of some or all the muscles of the inner thigh or the groin. These muscles belong to the adductor muscle group. They are a bunch of 6 muscles, spanning the distance from the inner pelvis to the inner part of the thigh bone (femur). The movement of pulling legs together and of the hip joint is accomplished as a result of these muscles. Thus these muscles are very important for us, and especially for the athletes. An injury to this set of muscles can render the athletes out of play for sometime.
The time period needed for the recovery depends upon the underlying cause of the condition. One of the major causes is a sudden contraction of the groin muscles when they are in a stretched position. This occurs in cases when there is rapid acceleration during running and changing direction. In other instances, when a soccer player attempts a long kick, he could sustain a groin pull. Inadequate warm up too can lead to a groin pull.
Following are some of the symptoms of this painful condition:
- Sudden pain and pulling sensation
- Restricted movement of the thigh muscles, an increased sensitivity, and perhaps even bruising, smelling, and inflammation
- Difficulty in walking, running, climbing stairs , etc.
- Pain in the groin when the legs are squeezed
Recovery Period
There are several factors which will play an important role in determining the recovery time. The first and the foremost factor is the grade or level of injury. The next is how immediately the treatment started and the nature of treatment. At the most, and at its worst, it can take around a month or so to recover completely from a groin strain. Depending on the severity of the tear and pain, the groin strains are graded as follows:
Grade 1
In grade 1, there is no major strain on the muscles. A small number of muscle fibers are slightly torn, but they don’t incapacitate the person. The impact is felt after the activity. The muscles can function properly. Mild groin pull takes anything between 2 days to 10 days to recover. Resting the thigh muscles, and using ice or cold compresses will be adequate to help alleviate the pain.
Grade 2
A grade 2 strain is a bit more serious than grade 1. Its effects are felt immediately by the person. The injury and strain will affect walking and make it very painful, and the affected area will be sore to touch. The function of the muscle fibers will be affected in case of this injury. Thus it will increase the recuperation time, which in this type of injury, can be around 6 weeks.
Grade 3
Grade 3 is the most severe of all strains, wherein all the muscles are ruptured, and there is a considerable loss of function. There is excruciating groin pain and considerable bruising as a result of internal bleeding. The time to recover can take anything between 1 to 2 months, depending on the treatment and the severity of the tear.
Physiotherapy, rest, light exercises, and medicines, if any, will speed up the recovery process. A positive frame of mind too will work wonders. So, stay positive and take care!
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.