Hearing aids have evolved through time in order to bring maximum benefits to people who are in need to use them. However, buying such devices can be a pricey affair, and confusing too. To help you get the best deal on the market, here are some hearing aid reviews you can refer to.
Hearing aids work by amplifying sound that reaches the human ear, and do not function as a human ear does. Having said that, these electronic devices work for those who have mild to moderate or severe hearing loss. They are of little to no help for people who have completely lost their hearing ability. As hearing power is different for each person, so are the features of different hearing aids. It is most unlikely that one hearing aid would work for a person as effectively as it would do for another.
Before you decide to invest on a hearing aid, it is recommended that you consult an audiologist or a hearing specialist. Check for the warranty period of the product, and ensure that the dealer offers a trial period for the hearing aid. Most important of all, don’t let advertisements alone to decide what’s best for you.
Hearing Aid Types Suitable for Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss
Completely-In-the-Canal (CIC) Hearing Aid
As the name suggests, this kind of hearing aid is designed to fit inside the ear canal. Completely-in-the-canal hearing aids are specially designed for people who are conscious about their looks. The device is least noticeable in the ear, so much that the person next to you might not recognize it. The device does not pick up wind noise as it will be protected by the ear. You can also use it with your telephone. It is not recommended for children as in them there is a continuous growth of the ear canals. The device got negative reviews for having a small battery, that has a shorter life than larger batteries. Features of volume control or directional microphones are also not available with this device. Feedback could be a problem given the proximity of the microphone and receiver. The device could sustain damage from earwax. High price could also be a disadvantage.
In-the-Canal (ITC) Hearing Aid
The in-the-canal hearing aid is molded to be fitted partly in the human ear. Its features are similar to the ones described above. It is not so prominent to the eyes, and it provides ease when used with telephones. This hearing aid may not be suitable for smaller-sized ears. There are certain ITC hearing aids on the market that are equipped with the latest digital technology. This device, apart from amplifying sound for the user, also helps in filtering background noises. According to the needs of the user, each device has its own volume control feature.
Half Shell Hearing Aid
This one is a smaller version of the ITC hearing aid. The outer ear has a bowl-shaped area. The lower portion of this area is filled by the device. It’s equipped with features like directional microphones and volume control. It is suitable for most ears of different sizes.
Hearing Aid Types That Work for Mild to Severe Hearing Loss
In-the-Ear (ITE) or Full Shell Hearing Aid
ITE hearing aid can be used for multiple types of hearing loss, and it fills most of the bowl-shaped area of the outer ear. It has larger sound amplifiers, and telephone switch, apart from being user-friendly. ITE hearing aid comes in digital, and conventional technology. Programmable hearing aids are also available. This device is suitable for treating hearing loss in adults, and are not recommend for children for the same reason mentioned earlier. The device is conspicuous, and has a tendency to pick up wind noise.
Hearing Aid Types for Almost all types of Hearing Loss
Behind-the-Ear (BTE) Hearing Aid
The BTE hearing aid fits over the ear, and its electronic case rests behind it. This device is among the least expensive, and the most suitable one for all age groups. The amplified sound is directed to the ear canal by a custom-made ear mold. This device is recommended for people of all ages. Due to the large built of the battery and a strong amplifier, the BTE hearing aid offers more amplification than its counterparts.
Hearing Aid Types for Mild to Moderate High-Frequency Hearing Loss
Open Fit Hearing Aid
An open fit hearing aid device leaves the ear canal open, and offers more comfort than the traditional behind-the-ear ones. It is also less visible, and does not plug the ear like other hearing aid models. This instrument is able to eliminate hollow sound that is often associated with standard hearing aids. The sounds or frequencies that you may have trouble hearing, the open fit hearing aid amplifies them. The device is also kept from getting damaged by earwax and moisture, as it is located outside the ear.
Some Popular Hearing Aid Brands on the Market
- Beltone Hearing Aids
- Bernafon Hearing Aids
- Hearpod Hearing Aids
- Miracle Ear Hearing Aids
- Phonak Hearing Aids
- Rexton Hearing Aids
- Siemens Hearing Aids
- Sonic Innovations Hearing Aids
- Unitron Hearing Aids
- Zounds Hearing Aids
Prices would defer from brand to brand and on your requirements. As mentioned above, get a trial period for the device that you have in your mind, and abreast yourself with its reviews Online, from magazines and other sources. Initially, it may take a while for you to get used to the device. However in due time, you will begin to realize significant improvements in your hearing ability. Take care!