Human Growth Hormone (HGH) spray is one of the popular method of HGHsupplementation. This article will enlist the pros and cons of using this spray.
Normal growth of human body depends hugely on the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) that is secreted by the pituitary gland, situated just below the brain. It is called the master growth hormone, since it controls health and growth of almost all the cells in our body. Human growth hormone is a collection of about 191 amino acids that are absolutely vital for normal functioning of all body cells. Its secretion gets lesser and lesser as the person grows older. Hence, older people mostly encounter its deficiency. However, sometimes children may also have HGH deficiency. In all such cases, they are prescribed supplements and one of the most popular form of these supplements is the HGH spray.
Does It Work?
The use of synthetic form of the master hormone has been found to be beneficial in numerous ways. These benefits are mostly anti-aging effects of the human growth hormone. Supplements like injections also provide certain other health benefits like increased athletic performance, increased zeal, and enhanced appearance. They are also prescribed for certain medical conditions like osteoporosis, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down’s syndrome, and Turner’s syndrome. You may also get a leaner body with these supplements.
Since the spray is used directly into the mouth, it gets easily absorbed by the mouth lining and goes straight into the bloodstream. This is the reason why consumers report that these sprays are much more convenient and beneficial than other forms of supplements like pills, creams, and injections. They also protect the users from overdose as compared to pills.
Side Effects
Though it is claimed that most of the side effects can be evaded, certain side effects are associated with its use, as you are introducing an artificial hormone stimulant inside the body. It is important to remember that most brands manufacture homeopathic sprays, but yet they are not free of the side effects. Some possible side effects include potassium depletion, hypertension, hypoglycemia, tumors, types of cancer, gynecomastia, thick skin, acromegaly (overgrowth of bones), hypothyroidism, abnormal hair growth, water retention, carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pain, nerve pain, and liver diseases. If proper and prescribed dosage is administered, there are lesser chances of a person to get affected by these side effects.
The reviews on even the best HGH spray state that not all the products are reliable, because it is observed that many smaller companies have ‘their’ version which is not clinically approved. Another issue is the quantities used in the product. Many brands are not well aware about the US FDA approved amount, and hence their products contain either more or less amounts which fail to produce the desired effects on the body. All in all, there are mixed reviews and difference of opinions as far as its benefits are concerned. People who are advised to use human growth hormone must strictly use it as per the directions and recommendations given by their physician. An overdose must be avoided at all costs.
Those who wish to use it should consult their health care professional and get proper medical advice before doing so.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.