A hornet sting is very painful and discomforting and requires immediate attention. The following article will take you through the varied treatment methods of the same and give you some remedies for dealing with the pain and other side effects.
There are several insects that are capable of administering bites to humans which include bees, wasps, and hornets. Hornets are one of the biggest types of wasps that are present, and they are known to sting humans at the immediate signs of danger or an invasion of their territory. Their stings can lead to varying degrees of side effects which require immediate treatment.
Hornet stings lead to allergies (difficulty in breathing, wheezing, shock etc), swelling and redness of skin, itching, burning pain, and heavinessāwhich are some of the common side effects that can be seen. The more serious side effects of a hornet bite could also include a person going into an anaphylactic shock which has varied effects on the body that are considered dramaticālike low blood pressure, the skin turning blue, swelling of the tongue, heart failure, and in extreme cases, even death. That is why it becomes important to administer treatment as fast as one possibly can. In the article that follows, we will take you through some of the hornet sting swelling treatment forms. Continue reading for more details.
Steps and Ways
Here are some of the steps that one needs to take as part of the treatment. Read carefully and follow the instructions well.
Get the Stinger Out
Though most bees puncture the skin with their stingers and inject venom into the skin (which then produce all the side effects), hornets are not known to do that. The danger of this is that the hornet will continue to administer multiple stings and lead to more severe reactions than a wasp sting. There are, however, a few hornets who do leave their stingers behind and these need to be removed from the skin. To do this, take a blunt knife and scrap over the skin in the opposite direction. This will help the stinger to pop out. Never use tweezers as they might actually push the stinger further in.
First Aid Tips
After the stinger is out, wash the area with cold water and an antiseptic soap. Pat dry. To reduce the stinging and swelling, one can use an ice pack on the wound. This will help in preventing further swelling, the venom from spreading further into the body, and in arresting the sensations of burning. Use this for 15 minutes and then remove. Pat dry.
Creams and Tablets
Apply a topical cream on the site of the wound. These need to be either antihistamines or anesthetics so that in case there is an allergy, relief can be found and the pain can be numbed. Allergic reactions can be treated by ingesting oral pain killers and specialized allergy tablets. Consult a doctor before taking one.
Home Remedies
There are several home remedies that are available which help in arresting the destructive reactions, allergies, and side effects of a hornet sting. Of all the treatment forms, baking soda is considered to be among the most effective. Adding water to baking soda and then applying the paste to the wound and covering it with a cloth has known to help. Other home remedies include the application of red clay, garlic juice, onion juice, toothpaste, salt, tobacco, and raw honey for allergies.
Epinephrine Injection
There are some people who go into an anaphylactic shock and suffer from allergic reactions and more severe health issues like heart failure and death. For such people, seeking immediate medical attention and getting an epinephrine shot becomes important.
If the sting lasts for more than 7 days, the area covered is more than 4 inches, and the swelling does not reduce, then there is a need to seek immediate medical attention.
The treatment forms that are mentioned in the above article are effective in terms of both ground and red hornet sting treatment, along with any other types of hornets, like the killer hornet.