With so many different brands, choices and options, it is natural to get totally confused when it comes to getting a new hearing aid for yourself. This article will give you some simple and effective tips when it comes to how to choose a hearing aid that suits your requirements.
When it comes to choosing a hearing aid, the decision can be overwhelming for most of us with so many options around. Relax, the process needn’t be so confusing if you are clear with what you need. I mean the sellers will try their best to distract you and present unnecessary features with high prices… thereby, confusing you all the more!
Educating yourself about the different options available in the market and giving yourself time to decide as to what would suit your needs the best is the requirement. You are probably working on it right now, which is why you are reading this article, right? The next section gives you some important tips on the same.
Tips for Choosing the Right Hearing Aid
I mean each and every brand and company claims that their hearing aids are the best. Apart from that there are so many options and designs with varied technological features that it is natural for you to get confused. To eliminate the confusion, just focus on the key points mentioned below that will help you with getting the right pair for you.
Consult an Audiologist
I think the first and foremost step that you must opt for is to consult a audiologist! This can be done before going in to choose among the hearing aids available in the market. An audiologist is a person who would take the impression of your ear canal, and based on that he or she will advice you the most suitable type of hearing aid. In fact consulting an audiologist will clear half of your problems regarding the hearing aid that you have. However, make sure that you go to a trusted one!
What are Your Requirements?
Be clear about what you are looking for. What are the features that you want? Do you want a digital hearing aid, or analog hearing aids? Also, there are different types of hearing aids available in the market. You have small ones like the completely-in-the-canal, in-the-canal, open-fit and half-shell-hearing-aids.
On the other hand there are comparatively bigger hearing aids like full-shell-hearing-aids, and behind-the-ear-hearing-aids that are more visible as compared to the former. Based on what you are looking for in your device, you can choose from all of them. Usually the smaller the hearing aid is, the more expensive it is. Your audiologist will advice you the appropriate kind based on your individual condition.
Check for Proper Comfort and Fit
Now this is where most of us make the mistake. When you are at the store, the salesman tells us so many features that one tends to deviate from the primary requirements, one of which is for the hearing aid to be comfortable and well fitted. There is no point in spending hundreds or thousands of dollars over a device that seemed appealing but didn’t fit well.
Although, you need to keep in mind that it would take time for you to adjust with it. So give yourself some time and then decide. Most of the reputed brands have a trial period wherein they allow you to use the device for some time to see if you are comfortably able to use it or not. So use that trial period to decide.
Look for Additional Features
With the ongoing advancement of technology, companies are manufacturing new and improved versions of hearing aids with key features like telephone adapters which makes it easy for the person talk over the phone. Other features include directional microphones that give you an option to concentrate on specific sounds when in an environment filled with multiple sounds.
It can filter certain sounds and reduce the effect of unwanted sounds as well. These devices also come with remote controls, bluetooth facilities and the ability to inform you about notifications and reminders. Obviously, the more technology invested in the device, the more will be the price.
Choosing Right is more Important than Budget
Now with all the aforementioned styles and features, it is natural to see yourself in a situation wherein your budget has gone upside down. The more expensive needn’t be the more ideal. This is where defining your requirements comes into the picture. Just stick to your comfort and basic needs if budget is a concern. There are many brands that offer good devices at a reasonable price.
Just make sure you have the warranty and the trial period! Another mistake that most of the people do is that they end up buying just one hearing aid instead of two. If you think you’re saving money on that, then you are not! In fact, you are spoiling your condition all the more. So make sure that you get hearing aids for both the ears, or speak to your doctor about the same.
Don’t Fall for the Unreasonable Claims!
Now there are many manufacturers and companies that will put forth some unrealistic claims that there product will cure your hearing impairment, or that they can eliminate the background sounds completely. All this is not true. So, please don’t fall for the fake claims to save up on some cash. Think logically and get your money’s worth, and most importantly, your health’s worth!
Remember that it may take some time for you to adjust to the device. Therefore, do make use of the trial period and then decide. Another point that should be remembered is to make it clear with the dealer beforehand to mention the cost of the hearing aid during the trial period and if it has been credited towards the purchase cost. Most of the hearing aid dealers also include the cost of a follow-up visit. Check, if your dealer does that. This will prove beneficial in case you have some concerns regarding the usage of the device.