Flea bites can be really irritating with severe itching and rash. This article provides some cures for flea bites.
Fleas are wingless parasitic insects that thrive on the blood of mammals and birds. They have specialized sucking mouth parts that help in feeding on the host’s blood. These insects have a very innovative mechanism of feeding. Initially, they inject saliva to prevent coagulation of blood, which may affect continuous feeding. It is also said that the saliva helps in numbing the area for a short time, so that the host does not feel the bite. After injecting saliva, they start sucking the blood. It is only when the feeding is almost done that the host feels the itching and irritation.
Flea Bites
So, fleas are wingless insects that feed on the blood of warm-blooded mammals and birds. Their bodies are flattened (side to side), and have short hair and spines. Fleas are of different types, and only a single species is found to live on humans, and that is Pulex irritans. Nowadays, these human fleas are uncommon. Still, humans can be subjected to the bites of other types of fleas, like cat fleas and dog fleas. Flea bites can be really annoying as it can cause severe itching and irritation for a few days.
Some people may also develop allergic reactions. The real concern is the transmission of deadly diseases through flea bites. It is said that fleas can be vectors of bubonic plague, typhus, and tapeworm. So, it is necessary to protect yourselves from fleas.
Cure for Flea Bites
The first thing to do, is to clean the area with cold water and a mild antiseptic soap. If you have severe itching and irritation, apply ice packs. You must avoid scratching the site, to prevent secondary infections that could be caused by breaking of the skin. You may also apply creams with menthol, camphor, and calamine, for relief from itching.
One of the natural cures for flea bites is mashed banana that has to be applied topically. It is said to be effective for relief from itching and irritation. If the symptoms do not subside within a few days, you must contact your health care provider. Medical attention is unavoidable for those who develop allergic reactions, like hives, swelling, and breathing difficulty. It is always advisable to protect yourself from these parasites by eliminating them from your premises.
How to Get Rid of Fleas
It has been observed that in most cases, flea problems are associated with pets. So, if you want to get rid of fleas completely, the primary task is to eliminate these parasites from the body of your pet. Apart from bathing your pet at regular intervals, you must also take care to wash its belongings like bedding and bowl, on a regular basis. You have to keep your house clean with regular vacuuming. Reduce the outings of your pet. You can also make your yard free of fleas by sprinkling diatomaceous earth. It will be better to prune the grass and reduce the length of other plants too.
So, if you get inflicted with flea bites, you can try the above said remedies. If there is no relief, contact your health care provider, as early as possible.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.