After confirming the underlying condition, treatment options will vary from use of antibiotics to changes in dietary guidelines.
The mucus is a sticky, thick fluid like substance released by the mucous membrane, a tissue that covers the interior surface of various organs such as the lungs, urinary tract and the large intestine (colon). The mucus makes the intestinal passage slippery, thereby ensuring unobstructed movement of the fecal matter. As aforementioned, the mucous membrane is also found covering the inner surface of the urinary tract, which primarily consists of organs like kidneys, urethra, bladder and the ureters. The urine is acidic in nature and so the inner wall of the urinary tract can get damaged due to high acidity of the urine. However, this does not happen as it is covered with the thick mucous membrane. So, is mucus in urine normal? Although detection of mucus threads in urine is not an issue, too much of mucus is indicating something wrong with the urinary tract and the large intestine. The following article discusses ways of getting rid of mucus.
Antibiotics such as amoxicillin is the first line of treatment when mucus in urine is the result of a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTI is triggered by bacterial growth and can strike any part of the urinary system (kidneys, bladder, urethra, ureters or the prostate). A UTI is typically marked by painful urination, pelvic pain and a restless desire to urinate frequently. A 7 day antibiotic course is enough to cure the infection.
A sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria chlamydia can also be responsible for causing mucus in urine. In this case also the patient is put on antibiotics like erythromycin, which helps to get rid of the infection within a week or two. Having a sexual intercourse with partners affected with chlamydia is the reason why more than 3 million Americans fall victims to this infection every year. Discomfort during sexual intercourse, painful urination and penile or vaginal discharge are some of the most common symptoms associated with sexually transmitted diseases.
Dietary Changes
Mucus in urine can also be due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and in such circumstances, eliminating certain foods that aggravate this condition is a must. A person diagnosed with IBS typically experiences bloating, abdominal pain, gas and bowel dysfunction that appears in the form of constipation and diarrhea. IBS interferes with the normal functioning of the large intestine, hence healthy bowel movement is a distant possibility in IBS patients. As the cause of this intestinal disorder is not known, treatment is given to alleviate symptoms. By simply staying away from gassy foods like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower as well as from carbonated beverages, one might experience relief from bloating. Eating vegetables in raw form should also be avoided as it can cause build up of gas, ultimately leading to bloating and abdominal discomfort. Apart from dietary changes, anti-diarrhea medicines or fiber supplements like Metamucil may be prescribed to restore healthy bowel function.
Anti-inflammatory Medicines
Mucus in urine can also occur as a consequence of ulcerative colitis, a condition in which the lining of the colon appears swollen. This is followed by ulcers in the inner wall of the colon. The development of ulcers inflicts damage upon the mucous membrane lining the colon. This leads to excess production of mucus, which may eventually mix with urine. This inflammatory condition that strikes the large intestine is usually treated with anti-inflammatory drugs like sulfasalazine, corticosteroids and mesalamine that can play a crucial in managing symptoms of ulcerative colitis.
Mucus in urine test is often referred to as urinalysis that verifies the clarity of urine. Presence of too much mucus or bacteria turns the urine cloudy. Urine not appearing clear can be easily detected in urinalysis and so if the test results reveals cloudy urine, it should not be ignored and necessary medical treatment should be given depending upon the underlying cause.