Learn all about how to treat an ear infection with some effective remedies that will help you treat the ailment, the natural way. In addition, this article also furnishes the causes of ear infection.
The ear is a very important constituent unit of the human anatomy. It is our duty to take care of our anatomy, because when they stop functioning we stop operating all together. It is through our ability to hear that we can decipher between different sounds, ignore noises and pay heed to voices. We, by no means, could be in the position to neglect our hearing ability. An ear infection can make your life painful and abominable. The activities you indulge in daily go for a perpetual toss. They come to a stand still, for you to further behold that the condition has escalated to heights that only worsen the situation. If the ear infection bug has clasped you in its claws, this article is here to help you understand how to treat an ear infection.
In order to understand the ear infection treatment, it is necessary to comprehend, what causes the same. An ear infection could occur when you have an influenza attack accompanied with cold, cough, severe body ache and fever. When we are suffering from a terrible bout of cold, we inhale or breathe in with force. The mucus thus gets transported to the inner ear and stagnates, causing the ears to get blocked. This blockage causes the infection of the ear. The fever persists when you have an ear infection.
Another cause could be the water seeping into the ear while taking a shower or during a swimming session. The water that seeps in, has no outlet. It remains there and creates fungus. The fungus that the water stagnation creates inside the ear, is referred to as the swimmers ear. An illness in relation to the respiratory system such as congestion and heavy blockage of the nasal tract, may also be the cause. Once you gather you suffer an infection, it is wise to consult a physician or a medical practitioner to help you deal and treat the pain. Consulting the physician and following the medication route prescribed by him along with home remedies, will help you counter the condition effectively.
These remedies will provide relief and help in curing the agonizing condition.
- Take a soft cloth, (a muslin cloth would be preferable) and heat water in a container. A cotton ball could also be employed. Dip the cloth into the hot water. Dab it on your palm to check if the water is not piping hot, lest your ear sustains burns. Slowly dab the piece of cloth on the affected exterior area of the ear. This will prove helpful with regards to rendering relief. The swelling will subside if this remedy is followed religiously for a few days. Keep in mind, that the ear should be wiped dry. We are not aiming to complicate matters further, are we!
- Ingesting vitamin C, either in the form of a pill or through foods that are rich in this particular vitamin. This will make the immune system stronger and aids the same in fighting infections.
- In order to derive relief from the ear infection pain, use a heating pad. Swelling and pain can be countered when the affected ear is covered with heating pad. If you are using a hot compress water bottle, make sure that you do not pour boiling water. Boiling water may lead to the bottle blasting. Intermittent and consistent exposure to the water bottle or the heating compress is what is required to soothe the ear.
- Make sure that you rest well. Read your favorite author, knit a tea cozy, listen to soft music or simply loll in bed.
- For a lasting relief, mix lobelia oil (Indian Tobacco) with olive oil and drip two to three drops of the same concoction in the ear. Snug a cotton ball at the ear canal opening for the oil to stay and not trickle out.
- Gargle with salt water, at least twice during the day, to unclog the Eustachian tubes.
- Make sure that you walk, stand and sit erect. Slouching lets the fluid stagnate, however whilst maintaining an erect posture, the pus-like fluid drains out.
- Rest your head by sleeping on an elevated stack of pillows. This practice will aid in fluid drainage.
- To treat an ear infection naturally, concoct a mixture by adding 1 tbsp of almond oil, 2 to 3 drops of lavender oil and 2 to 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Heat this concoction and put 2 to 3 drops of this oil in the infected ear two to three times a day to garner relief.
- Another way to use this oil is to dip the cloth or cotton ball into the hot oil container and dab it on the affected area.
- One way to relieve the pain in the ear is to apply the oil concoction on the insides as well as outsides of the affected ear. Cover the ear with a muffler or woolen scarf for sometime, to gain quick and effective relief.
- Stop smoking, as the fumes pollute the air around, leading to blockage in the Eustachian tube.
- Sip water at regular intervals. This practice allows the Eustachian tube to unclog and drain the trapped fluid.
- This remedy has the potential to sound weird and uncanny, however, ironically is very effective and procures good results. Chewing gum or food will help exercising the ear muscles and the act of opening and closing the mouth will allow the eustachian tube where the infection has set in, to loosen up the mucus or the fluid in ear, thereby resulting in a possible movement of the same.
- One could resort to avoiding excess consumption of fatty foods. Individuals may also be prone to allergies from certain dairy products, such as soy and egg whites.
- A proper intake of vitamin and protein supplements will help in preventing ear infections from residing in your ear. Consuming these supplements will boost the immunity levels of the individual, arming him adequately to fight such infections.
- Treating an ear infection would remain incomplete, if the use of antibiotics is not mentioned. On a serious note, an antibiotic course is the fastest way. To treat the condition without antibiotics, is a long-term process. An antibiotic course coupled with the above-given home remedies for ear infection, is a wise and the safest route to eradicate the infection.
Hope this article will prove helpful to all those suffering from an ear infection. I sincerely wish that this article has succeeded in serving a respite to the affected ear! Take care!