Ankle injuries in themselves can cause the person a lot of agony. If it is a high ankle sprain, then it can render the person immobile for a few days. Knowing how to treat this condition proves to be useful, so that the condition can be treated at the earliest before the injury aggravates…
Ankle sprains can be among the worst injuries that a person can suffer from. The ligaments in the ankle can either be stretched or torn, which cause the sprain. Either one ligament in the ankle may be affected or two ligaments can be affected. If there are two ligaments which have been injured, then it will cause more disability. There are three types of ankle sprains, namely lateral ankle sprain, medial ankle sprain and high ankle sprains.
In a high ankle sprain, the ligament connecting the two bones, namely the tibia and fibula in the lower leg just above the ankle, is injured. This type of an injury is also known as syndesmotic ankle sprain. The ankle sprain is often severe in this case. Although this type of an injury is not commonly seen, a person affected with it will take longer to recuperate from the injury. If one knows how to treat a high ankle sprain, it will help in preventing the condition from aggravating.
Treatment for High Ankle Sprain
Like is true of the other ankle sprains, it is important that high ankle sprain be treated at the earliest to prevent worsening of the condition. More the amount of time lost in treating the condition, more severe does the condition become.
The first measure is to reduce the weight off the ankle and sit down. If weight is placed on the injured ankle for a long period of time or if the sprain is neglected, then it may demand longer rehab time. The next step is to apply ice on the affected area and the area around the ankle. This will help in reducing the pain and also prevent the ankle from swelling. Continue to apply ice on the affected part 3 to 4 times a day for 10 to 15 minutes. Never use ice directly on the skin, for it can cause ice burns. Always apply ice as a pack.
After applying ice for some time on the ankle joint, wrap a compression wrap around the ankle. Using a compression wrap prevents the ankle joint from swelling. However, the compression wrap should not be wrapped very tightly around the ankle, as it can hinder blood circulation around the injured area. Then place the leg on an elevation. A couple of pillows can be placed under the leg to avoid swelling of the joint.
If the pain and swelling does not recede with the above treatment, it advisable to consult a doctor and get an X-ray. In most cases, the sprain will have to be treated by keeping the ankle in a cast. The cast has to be left on the ankle minimum for a period of 6 weeks to let the ankle heal completely.
Physical therapy is often a part of the treatment for high ankle sprain. Massages may be recommended to the person to ease the pain. Electrical stimulation may also have to be used in certain conditions. A few ankle exercises will be recommended for alleviating the condition, improving joint motion, coordination and increasing strength in the joint. At times, crutches, boots, and braces may have to be used in treating the condition as well.
In rare cases, a screw might have to be inserted into the ligament between the bones to help the ligament to heal and keep the bones in the right position. This screw is commonly known as syndesmotic screw. Depending on the condition of the sprain the right method to insert the screw into the ligament will have to be chosen. When a screw is inserted into the ligament, the patient will have to take utmost care and not walk on the leg or stress the leg.
It is advisable to consult your orthopedic surgeon whether you can walk around, as in some cases the screw can break even after the injury has healed and further aggravate the problem. Therefore, in most cases, the screw is removed before the patient is given permission to walk.
It is advisable to consult an orthopedic surgeon for remedies for a high ankle sprain. This condition should not be taken lightly for it can have serious implications. Try not to put a lot of strain and weight on the joint and consult an orthopedic before you plan to start with sports, athletic or gym activities.