Pyogenic granuloma is also referred to as a pregnancy tumor. It is an oral disease which first shows up in the form of a tissue overgrowth around the mouth. It is sparked off by local irritation, hormonal factors, and physical trauma. The condition or growth is actually a capillary hemangioma that is prone to bleeding. This article provides some information about this condition and the treatment methods available for it.
Pyogenic granuloma or a pregnancy tumor is a condition wherein an inflammation around a tissue outgrowth is observed. The condition is observed to manifest as vascular granulation and is accompanied by a soreness in and around the region. Sometimes, the lesions display fibrous character and ulcerations, and are commonly associated with gingiva-related diseases. It manifests in the form of a red, oozing bump of tissue. It is mostly observed in and around the head, neck, upper torso, and limbs. The condition is also seen as a result of exposure to drugs such as oral contraceptives, Indinavir, Soriatane, and Accutane.
Oral Pyogenic Granuloma
Oral pyogenic granuloma appears as a red or purple-colored lesion. The growths can either be lobulated or smooth and has a number of blood vessels, which gives it the reddish appearance. The sizes range anywhere between a millimeter to several centimeters. The growths are painful in the case of a location that is consistently exposed to movement and irritation. The granulomas grow rapidly and bleed profusely, with or without any trauma.
The condition is mostly observed in children, adolescents, and young adults. Although research reveals that there are more instances of females being affected, males are not spared the onslaught. In the case of women, the condition is commonly observed during the first trimester, till the seventh month of pregnancy. It either manifests in the anterior nasal septum or around the mouth. In the case of both genders, the condition surfaces on the gingiva and maxillary jaw. It is also observed on the lips, inner cheeks, and tongue, and is aggravated by poor oral hygiene.
During pregnancy, pyogenic granuloma dries up and heals on its own. There is no treatment adopted in the case of pregnancy; however, recurrent bleeding could necessitate either excision or cauterization of the lesion. The condition is treated effectively with the help of:
- Conservative surgery
- Dental care and cleaning
- Removal of calculus via a predetermined ‘clean-up’ of the region
The growths are always benign, but early detection and diagnosis helps to eliminate the chances of cancer. Biopsy analysis helps determine the line of treatment. It has also been observed that the form post-treatment and in this case they are clinically referred to as ‘satellites’. The treatment options include scraping off the lesion with the help of a curette and cauterizing the region to avoid a recurrent growth. Sometimes, doctors take the help of anesthesia to clean up the region, while some use chemicals such as TCA, podophyllin, silver nitrate, and phenol. Nowadays, laser surgery is also opted for treatment.
The vascular lesions are polypoid or exophytic and can sometimes be malignant, making surgery necessary. Surgical removal does help, but does not totally eliminate the chances of recurrence. The condition is mostly asymptomatic, except for local tenderness and bleeding. It is easily treated with timely surgical excision for diagnostic biopsy. It is important to consult a dermatologist for adequate therapy and research on the condition prior to jumping to any conclusions that could be mentally traumatic. Medication in the form of antibiotics is also available for its timely treatment. The treatment options are defined to arrest and eliminate the accompanying necrosis, oozing and bleeding, and foul odor.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.