Whether it is to alleviate discomfort from an aching knee or improve skin health, using hyaluronic acid supplements is a good option.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) (a kind of viscous polysaccharide) is an integral part of all living beings. The human body also manufactures hyaluronic acid in ample amounts. HA is chiefly found in the skin, synovial fluid of joints and the tissues of the eyes.
It is observed that as the person’s age increases, the body’s ability to manufacture hyaluronic acid decreases. As a result, the person is bound to experience health disorders related to the joints and eyes. Taking these supplements is a proven remedy to overcome symptoms of HA deficiency.
Promotes Healthy Skin
HA acts as a natural moisturizer for the skin. So, taking it in supplemental form can certainly benefit to improve the beauty of the skin. It provides an anti-aging effect, which helps in maintaining a wrinkle free appearance of the skin for years to come. Oral intake of these supplements increases production of collagen (a type of protein produced in the skin, which is an important structural component of the skin), thereby promoting a healthy skin. So, in order to delay the signs of aging and to keep the skin smooth, using HA supplements is a very good option. Considering its ability to moisturize the skin, HA in skin care products is no surprise. Inclusion of hyaluronic acid foods in the diet may also help to keep the skin healthy.
Improves Joint Functionality
Taking HA supplements as instructed by the doctor is useful to alleviate the stiffness and discomfort associated with arthritis patients. Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis have shown noticeable improvement in their quality of life after receiving doses of HA injections. Arthritis patients have also reported pain relief when HA is given intravenously.
Promotes Eye Health
If you thought vitamin supplements are the only ones to improve eyesight, think again. Studies show that intake of HA supplements can help to resolve vision problems. Artificial tears that are used for dry eyes treatment also contain HA as an active ingredient. This is because HA helps to restore the lost moisture of the eyes.
HA is an important constituent of the ocular (related to the eye) tissue. Its presence in sufficient amounts is very important for normal functioning of the eye. However, with age the production of HA declines, which may lead to eye problems such as poor vision and dry eyes. These issues can be resolved by taking HA in its supplemental form.
Side Effects
Although, taking HA supplements is good for health, it does produce few side effects. Fortunately, none of these are worrisome and usually adjusting the dosage works to get rid of these side effects. Patients put on these supplements have complained about mild to moderate skin irritation. There have been reports of localized skin rash after taking these supplements orally. This is quite tolerable and usually doesn’t require any medical treatment. HA injections at the knee-joint may cause nausea, dizziness, and cough.
The reviews mention that the benefits of HA are backed by scientific evidence. Intravenous administration of HA can work wonders to relieve arthritis symptoms. On the other hand, the oral dosage of HA is not as effective as its injectable form, when it comes to improving joint pain. In fact, the injectable form of HA has received FDA approval for the treatment of osteoarthritis. There is no doubt that HA is a good skin hydrating agent but it is most effective in combination with other nutrients like argireline. So, using skin creams like ‘Hydroxatone’ that contain ingredients like argireline and hyaluronic acid can contribute to reduce wrinkles.
Today, HA supplements are sold under various brands like ‘Conquer HA’, ‘Wellness Resources’, Only Naturals’ and ‘Source Naturals’ and are supported by positive customer testimonials.
A point to note here is that although, clinical studies point out the benefits of HA supplements, extensive research is yet to be made to confirm its efficacy and safety. So, before taking it orally or intravenously for disorders related to the eye or joints, it is essential to consult a doctor about its usage.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.