Implantable hearing aids are devices which have been quite beneficial for people affected with severe hearing impairment. To know more about cochlear implants, read on…
In recent years, implantable hearing aids have become a preferred option for the treatment of severe hearing loss. Even those with moderate hearing impairment are advised to use these devices for better communication. These devices are totally invisible to the naked eye and by far are a better alternative to conventional hearing aid amplifiers. A surgical procedure is used to implant the device through an incision behind the ear.
Implantable hearing aids can be placed either surgically or non-surgically. Cochlear implants are hearing instruments that provide sound recognition using an electrode, that is implanted surgically into the cochlea. Generally, people suffering from profound hearing loss are advised to use such devices. Based on the degree of hearing loss, it is determined whether the person is eligible for cochlear implants. Cochlear implants use electricity to stimulate the nerves that are situated in the auditory system. People with a certain level of hearing capability may be rejected for this procedure. Also, these devices can be switched off, when not required.
People whose auditory nerves are damaged are fitted with auditory brain stem implants. It is necessary to undergo a brain surgery to place these devices. The device stimulates the auditory brain stem structure to help perceive sound in deaf people.
These innovative hearing instruments provide sound quality which is much more natural and clear than traditional hearing devices. The sound received is fine tuned to your hearing loss. One more benefit of using these devices is that they do not require frequent battery replacements. A special remote control is used for controlling various aspects of the device which is quite convenient for the user. That means, one can make changes such as volume control adjustments, without touching the device. On the other hand, the users of conventional hearing devices have to replace batteries from time to time. Also, conventional hearing aids are not practical for people with severe hearing loss.
People who use implantable hearing instruments experience better sound quality and improved speech intelligibility. These devices are lightweight and moreover cannot be seen as they reside beneath the skin. They give the freedom to perform normal activities such as swimming and showering, which is not possible with traditional hearing devices.
On the whole, implantable hearing aids are a boon for people suffering from acute deafness. With the help of these devices, deaf people can also lead a full and productive life.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of an audiologist.