There are different ways to increase the production of testosterone in your body. There is a division of opinion, though, on which is the best and the safest way to increase it.
Testosterone is an androgenic and steroidal hormone responsible for many male characteristics. It is also present in females; however, in lower quantities. There can be different reasons for the need to increase the production of this hormone, and these reasons can be medical or cosmetic. Medical reasons include infertility in men, decreased libido in women, hormonal imbalance in teenage boys, etc., whereas cosmetic reason includes bodybuilding. Irrespective of the reason, the hormone has always been the focal point of debate, as there are many pros and cons associated with the ways to increase the production of this hormone.
Some believe that the pharmacy variant of testosterone injections are more effective and show fast results while others support the natural way of increasing their levels. The decrease in the levels of this hormone causes loss of libido, memory problems, and even depression. Following are some of the ways to increase their production:
Natural Methods
Exercise and diet
Lifting heavy weights in the gym is the best way to increase your testosterone count. Perform exercises that allow you to lift maximum weight; however, do not overdo them. Do not exercise more than 40-50 minutes; however, during this time do a combination of exercises that involve all your body muscles.
Increase the intake of red meats like beef and lamb in your diet. Also, your diet should include vegetables like cabbage, brussels sprouts, and milk products.
Lose excess weight
As your waist size increases the testosterone level decreases. Therefore, keep a watch on your weight and reduce excess flab.
Reduce stress and alcohol
Physical or mental stress raises the cortisol level, which suppresses the body’s ability to produce this hormone. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of stress.
According to a recent study, men who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol daily for 3 weeks experienced a 7 % decline in their testosterone levels. Therefore, reduce your alcohol consumption.
Consume Healthy Fats
Men who consume excess fat experience rise in their testosterone levels. However, not all fats are healthy. Therefore, to protect your heart and raise your testosterone level, eat foods high in monounsaturated fats such as fish and nuts.
Artificial Methods
Testosterone-boosting supplements are very popular among body builders and athletes as they significantly increase their muscle strength. The main ingredient of these supplements is zinc, which prevents the transformation of this hormone to estrogen by blocking the aromatase enzyme. A clinically-proven formula known as ZMA, which is a combination of zinc, and magnesium aspartate with small quantities of vitamin B6, effectively induces the growth of this hormone.
Enanthate and cypionate are two injectable variants of this hormone, and these are quite popular with bodybuilders and athletes. The dosage depends on the gender, age, and the overall health of the user. The injections should be taken under the guidance of a physician as they can have some irreversible side effects.
Always remember to consult your doctor before starting any kind of testosterone therapy. Also, maintain a healthy lifestyle. This human growth hormone can do wonders if taken under medical supervision and with some self control.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.