An infant’s skin is very delicate, and if proper care is not taken, he/she is likely to develop all sorts of rashes from acne to eczema. This article explains the causes of infant neck rash and provides information on the treatment too.
Reddening of the skin and change in its texture is generally referred to as ‘rash’. Getting a diaper rash, rash on back of neck, or under it, is very common for babies. The newborn babies cannot lift their neck, and its folds rub against each other. This rash is usually developed when the heat, friction, and moisture, all together, irritate the delicate skin folds under the neck of the infant. Neck rash may interrupt the normal protective outer layer of the skin on neck. We know how heartbreaking it is to see your baby constantly crying. Simple home remedies work great for heat rash in babies. Let us first take a look at the causes of rashes in babies.
Neck Rash in Babies
Heat Rashes: As explained above, heat and humidity can irritate the skin under neck folds, leading to infant neck rash. Further, it may spread to other high friction or moisture areas. However, if you notice that it is spreading to plain or exposed skin, then you should consult the doctor.
Baby Acne: If the red rash has spread all over the neck, then it can be baby acne. Baby acne can lead to bumpy rash. In case of babies and toddlers, a mild version of acne is usually noticed. Instead of pimples, rash is normally observed. Small red bumps can be noticed all over the neck, which might make this area itchy. This is a temporary condition and is quite common in toddlers. Rashes in toddlers are mostly due to baby acne.
Yeast Infection: Sometimes yeast can aggravate the situation. Yeast or fungal infection spreads vigorously because of the warm moist environment of the baby’s neck. Moisture is present on the neck folds after bathing or due to sweating, which promotes the growth of yeast. Chubby necks in infants look cute, but the skin folds contribute to the formation of rash on this area.
Measles: Measles is caused by the virus Paramyxo and skin rash is the first sign of measles, followed by fever, cough, nasal congestion, loss of appetite, etc. Generally, measles rash appears on the open part of the skin first and then it spreads to the neck.
Eczema: Itchy neck rash can be due to eczema. Genetic factors can cause eczema in babies or toddlers, resulting in dry, hardened skin. Itching is the main symptom of eczema, which you need to watch for. The rash first appears on the cheeks, and then it is noticed on the neck and the body.
As soon as you notice some rash in the fat folds of your baby’s neck, stop using soaps. Soaps can irritate the skin more. Take a very soft washcloth and using warm water, gently wipe the neck area. Remove the trapped dirt and moisture carefully, and let the area dry completely. Use of soaps can make the affected area dry and crusty. It is essential to expose this area to air for quick evaporation of the moisture and fast healing of the skin. A yeast infection can be cured by applying a yeast cream. It is better to use soft cotton, loose fitting clothes for the babies. You may use olive oil for massage to the affected area.
No special baby neck rash treatment is required for heat rash or miliaria. The rash on the neck usually disappear on its own, when the baby starts lifting up its neck and head. The constant abrasion automatically lessens. For infant neck bumps treatment, you need to consult the doctor. If it is erythema toxicum, then you don’t have to worry about it. Flat red splotches with a white, pimple-like bump in the middle are usually noticed after 5 days of age. They disappear within 10 – 15 days. You need to consult your doctor for the treatment of eczema or measles.
Normally, infant neck rash, if it is a kind of heat rash, can be easily avoided by keeping the area clean and dry.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and it should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.