The braces vs invisalign is a raging debate for people that are confused, whether to choose conventionality or aesthetics. Read on to know about all the aspects and facets that will help you make an informed decision about which one to choose for your teeth.
Everyone out there craves for the perfect dentition, wherein, the set of pearly whites is perfectly aligned. However, not everyone is naturally blessed with a set of teeth that are present in their ideal positions. However, this is a problem that can easily be fixed with the help of braces. Braces are orthodontic appliances that are used to straighten the teeth. There are many different types of orthodontic braces, the most common types being metal braces and invisalign. The debate over these two types of teeth aligners, is a relatively new one and there are several factors involved in it. Let us discuss a few of them.
One of the most obvious places where invisible braces win over conventional braces, is aesthetics. Invisible braces or invisalign braces are actually clear, plastic aligners, whereas metal braces are metal brackets that have a wire running through them. Thus, needless to say, when it comes to the facet of aesthetics, invisalign wins hands down. Although there are many aesthetic braces, wherein, the brackets used are made of ceramic, so as to camouflage itself, the wire makes the presence of braces quite obvious. Hence, invisible braces may prove an ideal option for those, who are in hospitality business or even for teenagers and adults.
Since invisible aligners are far more recent, advanced, and a better aesthetic option as compared to conventional braces, they cost a little more than the conventional types. Furthermore, a skilled orthodontist is required to carry out the treatment for the patient, who wants these modern teeth aligners, which adds to the cost of the treatment. The cost also increases because, during each session, a new set of plastic aligners, which is tighter than the previous set, is used. Since these aligners are fabricated in a laboratory, the lab charges further apply, with each sitting.
Effectiveness and Limitations
According to various reviews on invisalign, personal preference of the patient is not the only criteria on the basis of which it can be settled, whether or not to go in for these braces. There are certain cases that are indicated for metal braces only. Such cases include patients, who have a skeletal deformity or other problems. People who have a deep bite, overbite, severe crowding with cross bite, etc., are cases that cannot be treated with the help of invisible braces. This is because, large or complicated tooth movement cannot be brought about by these aligners, as it is not possible to treat rotated teeth or apply any kind of torque force on the teeth. Hence, deep bite or overbite correction without braces is very difficult to obtain. So, only people that have mild misalignment of teeth can go in for this kind of braces. Furthermore, when there is severe crowding or if the patient has a lot of dental problems, then maintaining treated and aligned teeth or overbite correction with metal braces can be done using invisalign.
Needless to say, since invisalign braces are clear and removable sets of teeth aligners, they can be removed according to the needs of the patient. Hence, while eating and brushing teeth, one can remove these aligners and then put them back while sleeping. However, this option is not valid for people, who have metal braces, as these braces are fixed. Hence, it becomes a bit difficult to maintain dental health, when a person has metal teeth aligners. Furthermore, there are increased chances of caries and plaque accumulation, if active measures towards dental care are not put into effect.
It must have been clear to you by now that, both types of teeth aligners have their own set of pros and cons. Therefore, when going in for orthodontic treatment, it is best to sit down with your orthodontist and discuss details about your treatment plan before making a final decision.