Iodine supplements are quite necessary for healthy metabolism in our body. Read ahead to know how they serve our health purposes.
Iodine has a major role to play when it comes to the developing and growing phase of our body. It is a part of the thyroid hormones – thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These aid in the metabolism of the body. Apart from its major role in metabolism and proper development of bones and tissue, it is also responsible for the formation of the fetal nervous system.
Consuming natural sources of iodine is the best remedy for hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition caused by insufficient level of the thyroxine hormone (responsible for body metabolism). This can be cured by consuming foods like fresh fish, fish oil, cod, malt bread, condensed milk, sea weeds, sea kelp supplements, sea foods, eggs, and diets with minerals like selenium. The amount of this element to be included in daily diet (as listed by FDA) is 80 mg for children and 150 mg for adults. Its deficiency can lead to stillbirth, and so, pregnant women are required to consume 220 mg on a daily basis. Infants up to age of 6 months must have about 110 mg in their regular diet.
- Hypothyroidism: A diet low in iodine is the most probable cause of hypothyroidism. Hence its supplements are a must, constituting at least 0.15 mg of daily diet, as declared by the American Food and Drug Administration. Iodine supplements (4 mg) with vitamin E (600 units) is recommended to stimulate an under active thyroid gland.
- Weight Loss: Deficiency of this chemical in body can lead to slow metabolism and a weak immune system. Reduced metabolic activity leads to excessive weight gain. So, these supplements aid in restoring the metabolic rate of the body, and in the process, help in weight loss.
- Hair Loss: A healthy hair growth is solely dependent on healthy hair follicles, and healthy hair follicle growth is stimulated by the thyroid gland. So, this supplement plays a major role in preventing hair loss.
- Disease Prevention: Many diseases, like goiter (abnormal swelling of thyroid gland), Graves’ disease, thyrotoxicosis, and lymphedema can be cured by taking these supplements.
They are available in two kinds: iodine and iodides. Iodine compounds, when taken as supplements, aid in maintaining the correct level of estrogen hormone in women. Iodides, on the other hand have a direct effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Some of the common supplements that are prescribed as hypothyroidism medication are:
- Transformative Nano-Colloidal Detoxified Iodine: This supplement is a nano-colloidal and nascent form of USP crystals, which are converted into a non toxic monatomic form. Once this is consumed, the monatomic iodine is converted into carrier iodides inside the body. They get converted to the elemental form, and bond with proteins in the muscle tissue, thus, enhancing the functioning of the immune system. Other activities of this supplement include enhancing DNA integrity, maintaining metabolic and endocrine balance and boosting cardiovascular health.
- Nascent Iodine: It is an electromagnetically charged form, which is quite similar to the naturally produced form.
- Potassium Iodide: This supplement is available as tablets, each containing about 0.23 – 130 mg of iodine. Potassium iodide usually blocks excessive intake of radio iodine by thyroid gland, thus, preventing chances of thyroid cancer symptoms. However, its assimilation into the body tissues is moderate (20% approximately).
- Lugol’s Solution: Lugol’s solution contains about 6.3 mg of molecular iodine for every drop. It contains 5% molecular iodine and 10% potassium iodide. This supplement has proven to be effective in increasing respiratory tract secretions and inhibiting excessive thyroxine secretion. Overall, this supplement aids in stalling unwanted hormonal secretions in the body.
Side Effects
Anything in excess calls for a disaster. People consuming these supplements excessively are susceptible to serious medical conditions, like kidney disorders, respiratory ailments (like tuberculosis), burning mouth and throat, soreness of gums, increased salivation, irregular heart rhythm, thyroid gland hyperplasia, and elevated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.
If taken as per the recommended daily allowance (RDA), these supplements will prove to be quite beneficial for health. Not to miss an important point, the ones suggested above are to be consumed only if your doctor prescribes them on diagnosis of hypothyroidism.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.