Have you been noticing bubbles in your urine lately? Is it normal? Well, the normalcy of this can be determined depending upon many factors. Bubbles in urine can occur due to various causes. These causes are discussed in this article.
Do you notice that your urine has become very foamy and bubbly lately? After urinating, do you notice a clear layer of bubbles in the toilet bowl, which you never noticed earlier? Is this becoming a cause of concern for you lately because you just can’t figure out as to why is this happening. To be really honest with you, noticing foam in your urine once in a while is absolutely normal and there is nothing much to worry about. I mean the sole reason you saw the layer of bubbles on the top is probably because you were holding it in for too long and then you released it with a lot of force.
If you urinated normally, then may be your toilet bowl wasn’t flushed properly and still had some detergent in it. If you are sure that you flushed your toilet, there was no pressure in the act, and that you have been noticing foam and bubbles in your urine all the time, then it is not normal and there is definitely an underlying cause behind it. But the good news is that most of the time, there is nothing fatal about it and that the causes can be cured with effective treatment and care.
What Causes Bubbles in Urine
Well, there are various reasons, both important and unimportant, which can cause bubbles in urine. While some reasons can be as silly as your toilet not being flushed before use, there can be some serious reasons like an infection in the urinary tract.
When Is It Normal to Have Bubbles in Urine?
I am sure after going through the aforementioned information, you must have already figured out as to when is it normal to experience foamy urine and when is it not. However, just go through the points below that put you under the ‘relax and take a deep breath’ zone.
- Rapid urination, when you have been holding urine in your bladder since a long time, the pressure can cause bubbles in the water. So if it’s loud and foamy, it is OK.
- Sexual stimulation can be another cause of why you have been noticing bubbly urine. Try and remember if you have noticed this after sexual intercourse or sexual stimulation. This reason is more common in men because the semen is present in the urethra.
- If you think that you have not been drinking adequate amount of fluids to keep yourself well hydrated, then there could be a possibility that you have bubbles in urine due to dehydration.
When Is It Not Normal to Have Bubbles in Urine?
Urinary Tract Infection
Noticing bubbles in the urine is one of the most common symptom of having a urinary tract infection. So if you have been experiencing a burning sensation while urinating, if your urine has a really strong smell, if you see that there are traces of blood present in the urine, and the overall texture of the urine appears to be cloudy, then there are chances that you might be suffering from a urinary tract infection. This will also lead to frequent urination than normal.
Proteinuria is a condition which results from either too much of protein in the diet or when your kidneys are unable to filter the waste materials in the body properly. Both these conditions can cause excessive protein concentration in the body, which will eventually be secreted through the urine, causing bubbles and foam formation in the urine.
Other Causes
Apart from the aforementioned causes, the follows reasons may also lead to bubbles in the urine. These are
- Dehydration
- High protein diet
- Kidney problems
- Vesicocolic fistula, which is an abnormal connection between the colon and the bladder. This may lead to accumulation of fluid in the base of the urinary bladder causing bubbles while urination
If you think that there is something wrong with your body due to which there are bubbles in the urine, then get in touch with your healthcare specialist as soon as possible so that he or she can diagnose the reason behind the same and start on with an effective treatment.