You may experience pain and swelling in your knuckles due to an injury, or it could be because of an underlying condition such as arthritis. Here are some tips to help you relieve the pain, and a brief information on the causes of this problem and its accompanying symptoms.
These days a number of people suffer from pain and swelling in the fingers, hands, thumbs, wrists, as well as knuckle pain and swelling. There are a number of causes which can lead to this condition. Knuckles enable movements of the fingers, hence pain and swelling in the knuckles can limit movement of the fingers and in severe cases, using the hands can become impossible. We will now see what are the causes and symptoms of knuckle pain.
Causal Factors
Knuckle pain can be caused due to damage to the knuckle caused by an injury or a disease. If there is an injury caused to the joint, such as sprain or fracture, it can cause pain in the knuckles along with swelling. Sprain or fracture can cause damage to the articular cartilage. Any injury, caused to the joints of the fingers has an impact on the articular cartilage and leaves an impact on the working of the joint. Many times injury causes misalignment of the joint, which in turn presses hard against the surface of the articular cartilage.
There is a close relation between knuckle pain and arthritis. If there is pain in the knuckles of the middle finger and the fingertip, it is often caused by osteoarthritis. Patients suffering from osteoarthritis will notice lumps or nodules around the knuckles. Depending on the location of the lumps in the knuckles, there are different names for this condition. The common symptoms noticed in this condition is knuckle pain and stiffness, along with swelling and enlargement. In degenerative arthritis, the joint is worn out. If a person is in the habit of cracking the knuckles, there is a possibility, that this condition can set in. There are chances, that the habit of cracking knuckles can lead to arthritis and rheumatism. The reason behind the same is, when the knuckles are cracked, it weakens the knuckle joint.
Flexor tendonitis caused to the flexor of the fingers. This causes inflammation and swelling in the said area, which gives rise to pain in the knuckles. Sometimes, the tendon can become a little crooked. In most cases, an anti-inflammatory medicine is recommended to get rid of the condition. If the condition persists, then it is best to have it examined from a specialist.
According to the latest studies carried out, the swelling accompanied by pain in the knuckles can be due to referred pain. The origin of this type of pain, also called trigger pain, is located in some other area, but it is sent to knuckles. Often the origin of this kind of pain is in the neck, chest, upper back, shoulders, upper arms, and forearms.
Accompanying Symptoms
The symptoms accompanying the knuckle pain and swelling will vary depending on the cause of the problem. Most of the time, people affected with it, find it difficult to perform activities like gripping utensils, writing, using a keyboard, etc. In case of severe conditions, deformities can develop, such as enlargement of the knuckles or tilting of a finger joint.
How to Relieve Knuckle Pain and Swelling
Find below some simple self-care measures, which you can use to relieve yourself.
» Alternate hot and warm compresses can be used to treat the problem.
» You can soak your hands in warm water and salt. Keep your hands in water for about 15 to 20 minutes. You will have to repeat this remedy at least 2 to 3 times a day to derive benefits from it. This remedy relieves the pain, as salt has the tendency to absorb the pain from the body.
» Aloe vera gel is also helpful in relieving pain. Apply aloe vera gel on the knuckles and leave it for 30 to 45 minutes.
» Cinnamon and honey paste can also be applied to the knuckles to provide an instant relief. However, since cinnamon is exothermic in nature, you can burn your skin. Hence, limit the time you leave this paste on your skin.
You will have to find out the exact cause of knuckle pain and swelling. I would like to recommend that you reduce the food items in your diet, which can cause flaring of inflammation. Take care!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.