Labrum surgery is an invasive procedure conducted due to the shoulder sustaining an injury, thus repairing it surgically. Here are certain facts that you ought to know before you opt for the surgery.
The cartilage that is found in the shoulder joint is referred to as labrum. The two types of cartilage present in the shoulder joint are the articular cartilage and the labrum. The labrum cartilage is more rigid and fibrous when compared to the cartilage that is attached at the end of the socket joint. It is situated around the socket. The labrum cartilage has extremely important functions to adhere to. They are as follows:
- To ensure that the socket is deep enough, so that the ball end maintains its position;
- Other tissues and structures around the tissues should find the cartilage serving the purpose of attachment around the joint.
Facts You Must Know
➔Surgery will be recommended by your consulting practitioner, if and when he feels that the injury does not have the potential to heal on its own. With the help of a magnetic resonance imaging or CAT scans, the labrum surgery can be prescribed to the individual.
➔Arthroscopic surgical examination may be mandatory so as to understand the diagnosis further, if at all the MRI and the CAT scan are deemed insufficient in providing the necessary information.
➔A small incision is made in the shoulder and a video camera is placed in order to facilitate the understanding of the practitioner with regards to deciding upon the appropriateness of a specific form of surgery.
➔If the injury is minor and the intensity not too traumatic, an arthroscopic surgery may be prescribed. A thin device, with an attached video camera is inserted in the shoulder. Through this surgery, the damaged tissues are removed. The doctor tries to attach the labrum tissue to the bone with small anchors playing a major role in keeping the anchors strong, giving them the power to hold the tissues.
➔If at all the labrum tear is diagnosed as a significant one, the doctors would prescribe an open type of surgery. This technique is trusted far often, so as to facilitate the doctor with better visibility, thereby providing a platform where he can see and correct the discrepancies with greater accuracy.
➔Arthroscopic torn labrum surgery involves less of invasion, with only a video camera being the navigation point for the surgeon to perform the surgery. Operation conducted via this method requires a brief period to facilitate complete recovery; however, the open type of surgery is invasive in nature, resulting in better corrections and repairs of the shoulder joint. This may cause scarring as well, thus extending the recovery period.
➔After the surgery has been successful, the risk factors and the plausible complications of the surgery is the next concern for the patient. Swelling of the joint, fever and bleeding of the stuttered part of the shoulder are some of the complications that may indicate the need for further help.
➔The average period for complete recovery, however, ranges from three to five months. Nevertheless, there are certain factors that may point towards the recovery time fluctuating. This includes the physical activity that the patient performs after the surgery, the type of lifestyle — is it sedentary or full of activity, the concern of the patient following the prescribed medication and the amount of rest the patient has managed to bask.
➔After the first week has lapsed, the doctor schedules an appointment with the patient for a checkup. This is to ensure that there is no infection that the incision has contracted.
➔After this is done, the doctor asks the patient to start with the physical exercises so that there is some motion that is felt in the shoulder joint. One should bear in mind that the shoulder should not be strained at this stage, as this may hamper the recovery time of the surgery.
➔The type and form of motion that you can handle is restricted, as the arm will be placed in a sling for the first two weeks to a month after surgery.
➔Subject your shoulder joint to subtle, but not vigorous or jerky movements. While your arm is in the sling, the doctor will guide you to perform a few exercises that do not tire the arm. Besides, these exercises help improve the condition of your shoulder.
➔Your doctor may suggest walking for a few minutes everyday after two to three weeks of the surgery. In this way, you are able to revert to your modus operandi without much ado.
One must bear in mind that the exercises prescribed by the doctor ought to be executed with moderate and cautious movements. If pain is experienced, the patient must pick the cue and lower the intensity with which he performs the exercises or temporarily halt the activities.