Lysine supplements are very beneficial for many health conditions ranging from viral infections to coronary heart diseases. This article provides information regarding the same.
Lysine is an essential alpha-amino acid that the body cannot synthesize on its own. It is very much involved in the formation of antibodies, given its immense antiviral properties. These antibodies help the body to build a better immune system, strong enough to combat various viral infections, from cold sores to herpes.
Since the body is unable to produce this amino acid, it needs to be introduced into the body’s system by some external sources. There are a few natural sources of lysine like Parmesan cheese, milk, yeast, fish, eggs, red meat, potatoes, lima beans, and soy products. People mostly get their recommended daily dosage through a balanced diet they consume. However, in case of a lysine deficiency, there are supplements available that efficiently take care of the lack of this amino acid in the body.
Need for Supplements
Deficiency of lysine may lead to a numerous health problems and medical conditions, which may create quite a havoc in the normal daily routine. Some of the symptoms of deficiency include lack of concentration, bloodshot eyes, increased irritability, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, poor appetite, infertility, reduction in growth rate, sudden weight loss, etc.
Therefore, people with the aforementioned medical conditions need lysine supplements to alleviate the symptoms. These supplements are similar to vitamin supplements that are available in various dietary forms like tablets, capsules, syrups, and creams.
This amino acid is very effective in treating various viral infections like shingles, and genital herpes, especially the herpes simplex virus since it has strong antiviral properties. Ample amounts of supplements in the body reduce the rate and recurrent cold sores.
The supplements also help cure and prevent osteoporosis since it improves the body ability to absorb calcium for better bone health. If combined with another amino acid like arginine, lysine is seen to increase the bone building activities in the body cells. It is also beneficial in increasing collagen production in the body.
The supplements may also be combined with many anti-inflammatory supplements and medications for alleviating the pain and inflammation; especially in case of post surgery medications, like post-episiotomy medicines. They are also prescribed by the health care providers to reduce headaches, migraines, premenstrual syndrome, etc.
Never self diagnose any of the lysine deficiency symptoms and self prescribe the supplements. Always consult a doctor to determine the correct amount of dosage for a person, adult, or child. The healthcare provider may prescribe the supplements as a complete amino acids replacement therapy in which 12 mg may be the advised dosage per one kg weight of the person.
If the supplements are being used to treat medical conditions like herpes and cold sores, the doses could be distributed from 500mg to 1500mg per day. However, they should not be administered to children less than 2 years old. For children above the age of 2 years, a prescribed dosage of 23 mg per kg weight of the child is fine. However the dosage must be administered in parts throughout the day and never at a single go.
Lysine supplements may interact with certain drugs(especially with antibiotics) and lead to subsequent complications. Therefore, they must be taken only after consulting the health care provider. Overdose, and unnecessary combination of lysine and arginine may result in infertility in men which is one of the grave side effects of these supplements. More than 10 g of dosage may lead to diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, etc. Lysine supplements may prove highly beneficial only when they are taken after a prior and proper consultation with the respective health care provider.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.