Male yeast infection treatment mainly involves the use of antifungal ointments such as Monistat. Oral medications are also prescribed to control yeast growth.
A Simple Home Remedy
Make raw garlic and yogurt an integral part of your diet, to cure and prevent yeast infection.
A male yeast infection caused by a fungus known as Candida albicans (yeast), can occur due to a number of reasons, the most common being sexual transmission from a female having vaginal yeast infection. Patients diagnosed with diabetes and HIV/AIDS suffer from low immunity, hence have a higher risk of developing yeast infection. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics can also lead to proliferation of the fungus in our body, eventually causing yeast infection.
Types of Male Yeast Infection
In most cases, the yeast infection in males affects the genital areas, mouth (oral thrush), and the nail beds. Rarely does the fungus multiplies indiscriminately in other parts of the body, such as the intestine. Genital skin becoming itchy, red, and sore, followed by formation of rash are some of the most common symptoms of penile yeast infection. On the other hand, oral thrush is typically marked by formation of white lesions on the tongue and loss of taste.
How To Treat Male Yeast Infection
Topical Antifungals
Monistat is the most commonly prescribed medication for penile yeast infection treatment. This antifungal cream is effective and can also be used to eliminate female yeast infections. Other antifungal treatment methods that have been helpful to improve the condition are Micatin, Lamisil, and Lotrimin. Many patients also use Vagisil cream to relieve the burning sensation and itchiness. One can apply these antifungal creams directly on the affected portion of the penis. Antifungal nail polish such as ciclopirox may be prescribed to treat nail fungus.
Monistat and Vinegar
In some cases, application of Monistat alone does not help to cure penile yeast infection. Combining few drops of white vinegar with Monistat before application can make the treatment more potent, thereby helping to cure the infection faster.
Plain Yogurt
Having a cup of yogurt everyday can work wonders to get rid of male yeast infection. In fact, it is the most sought after treatment when it comes to preventing yeast infection. Yogurt is full of good bacteria (acidophilus) that helps to combat yeast infection effectively. As aforementioned, the infection is due to overgrowth of yeast, which overpowers the good bacteria. Increasing the population of good bacteria is necessary to control and drive away the yeast infection. This can be easily achieved by eating unsweetened yogurt. Apart from including it the diet, one can also spread the yogurt directly on the genital area, to get relief from the itchy sensation. Basically, yogurt tries to restore the right yeast-bacteria balance to cure the infection. However, those who are allergic to dairy products should take acidophilus capsules.
Garlic, a powerful antifungal is found to be extremely effective against male yeast infection. The best way to add this herb to your diet is to crush 4 garlic cloves and sprinkle the powder on your meals. Another option is to have 2-3 cups of garlic tea everyday. Gently rubbing a clove of garlic on the affected portion daily for 4-5 days is sure to provide immense relief. Herbs such as black walnut, licorice, and chamomile are also an effective remedy for yeast infection in males. These herbs can either be taken internally or applied directly to the affected part of the body as a paste.
Oral Medications
Chronic or recurring yeast infection is something far more serious and requires immediate medical attention. Oral medications such as Nizoral (ketoconazole) and Diflucan (fluconazole) can also be effective to control and eliminate stubborn yeast infection. Oral prescription antifungals are not free from some ‘nasty’ side effects, so short term use of these medications is advised.
Aloe Vera Gel
The constituents of aloe vera gel show antifungal activity. So, directly applying on the infected site everyday can help to drive away the yeast infection. The gel obtained from the leaves of the plant is soothing to the skin, hence its application helps to relieve the skin irritation.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic, unprocessed apple cider vinegar (not the one available at grocery shops) displays antifungal properties and is full of enzymes that control the population of Candida in our body. Mix a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it everyday to combat infection effectively.
Organic Oregano Oil
Organic oregano oil contains compounds that display antifungal activity, hence its usage can certainly work to destroy yeast overgrowth. Moreover, it is also a good source of essential vitamins that can play a key role to improve immunity. For external application, one should combine 3 drops of oregano oil with a tablespoon of olive oil. Direct application of oregano oil is not recommended as it can irritate the skin. Besides applying it externally, one can also take supplements of oregano oil (1 capsule per day) to shorten the duration of the infection.
Candida Diet
Male yeast infection treatment won’t work unless proper diet is followed. Make vegetables a centerpiece of your meals. Vegetables like cauliflower, cucumber, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and kale have a nutritional profile and help to strengthen the immune system. Adopting healthy cooking methods to prepare meals is also very important to prevent yeast overgrowth. Patients should strictly avoid sugary products as they create a friendly environment for the fungus to proliferate. Cakes, pastries, chocolates, and even fresh and dried fruits have no place in candida diet due to their high sugar content. Yeast fermented foodstuffs that include bread, pasta, oats, and baked products should also be avoided. Alcoholic drinks like wine and beer contain substances that promote yeast growth, so have to be excluded from this antifungal diet. Avoid processed, cured, and smoked meat as it is also found to be high in sugar.
Yeast Infection Treatment – Dos and Don’ts
While undergoing yeast infection treatment for men, the affected area needs to be washed with water and then dried with a clean towel. The medicine should then be applied as directed by the doctor. Wearing wet inner wear can also worsen the symptoms of penile yeast infection. So, make sure the clothes are clean, dry, and do not fit too tightly. Soaps, particularly those that contain strong chemicals should never be applied on the infected site, as these personal care products are known to worsen the infection.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.