Pain in the foot is one of the most common symptoms of metatarsalgia. Here is detailed information its on causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Metatarsals are bones located in between the ankle and the toes in human beings. Metatarsalgia is a disorder that arises due to inflammation of the nerve that runs between metatarsals. In most of the cases, it is a non-serious condition, usually caused due to improper walking, running, or merely by wearing ill-fitting shoes. The condition affects men and women equally, however, middle-aged women are more prone to it.
Heredity is one of the most significant causes. People having flat, narrow, or high arched feet are at a higher risk. On the other hand, bunion, certain nerve disorders, wearing tight-fitting or high-heeled shoes for a longer period, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fracture, and muscle injury can lead to metatarsalgia. People performing extreme sports activities, running, dancing, etc., are at a higher risk of suffering from this disorder. Also, being overweight or excess weight gained during pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on the metatarsal, resulting in pain.
As mentioned above, pain in the foot is the most prominent symptom.
- Sharp burning pain in the part of the foot, just behind your toes
- Pain in the middle of the foot
- Tingling sensation, swelling, and numbness in toes
- Pain and callousing around your second, third, or fourth toe
- Sharp pain while standing, walking, or running
- Extreme pain while walking barefoot
Examination of the foot and X-ray are used to diagnose metatarsalgia. The doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers to ease pain, swelling, and burning in feet. Secondly, physical therapy, using ice packs, rest for a couple of days is also required for complete relief.
There are preventive measures that should be followed in order to avoid this condition. You should wear right and comfortable shoes that suit you feet type. Women should remember not to wear high heels for a longer duration regularly. Secondly, one should reduce the excess body weight to prevent exerting excess pressure on feet. Lastly, sports person and dancers should be very careful and try to protect their feet from injuries.
Most of the causes of metatarsalgia can be effectively treated if timely treatment is undertaken. However, prevention is always better than cure. Take care!
Disclaimer: This article is meant only to provide information. It is not to be substituted for doctor’s advice.