Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are popular dermatological procedures which work on various skin problems and give a lightened and flawless skin texture. Let us find out more about the exact procedures of both the treatments. This will help you choose the best suitable procedure for treating your skin problem.
Today there are a number of skin treatments available for getting a flawless skin. If you have pigmented, dark or acne affected skin, the latest dermatological procedures can help you get rid of such problems and have a smooth and even skin tone. While you look for such procedures, you are sure to come across two effective skin revitalization methods called microdermabrasion and chemical peels. These are amongst the popular skin treatments with a few differences used to rejuvenate your skin texture. Both the procedures help scrape the topmost layer of your skin, clearing off the dead cells, accumulated dirt, scars and spots.
Though these treatments target similar problems, choosing one of them depends upon various factors. Microdermabrasion vs. chemical peel, and which one is better, has always been a topic of debate. You need to understand the treatments well and choose one depending upon your exact requirements.
An Overview
Both microdermabrasion and chemical peels mainly focus on the superficial layer of your skin and work on the imperfections to give you a flawless skin surface. Skin problems like fine lines, wrinkles, deep wrinkles, uneven skin tone, dull and lifeless skin are mainly reduced in these procedures. While you consider between the two, the common point is that both of these work on the same area, but the main difference is the method used for scraping off the superficial layer of your skin. The details of each procedure are given below.
What is Microdermabrasion?
This is known to be the least invasive skin treatment amongst the various dermatological procedures. This works well in clearing off the light scars, sun spots, tanned skin, fine wrinkles, and mild acne. Most of the time, it is recommended for skin lightening and getting bright and glowing skin.
The procedure does not make use of acids or chemicals. The procedure mainly uses fine crystals of zinc or natural salt which are sprayed on your skin’s surface. Special instruments and tools are used for massaging these crystals on the surface layer. During this procedure, your skin gets scrubbed and polished. A vacuum which is attached to the same massaging tool sucks up the used crystals and also the microscopic pieces of your skin from the problem areas.
The procedure takes 40-60 minutes however, may require more time depending upon the total area to be worked upon. You will be recommended 3-6 or more sittings which can actually vary depending upon the problem and improvement per sitting. As the procedure is not invasive, it needs minimal aftercare and one can continue his/her routine while taking this treatment.
What is a Chemical Peel?
The peel basically uses chemical solutions which work on your skin and improve the overall texture of the surface by removal of dead and damaged outer layers. The treatment is beneficial for individuals suffering from facial blemishes, wrinkles, skin pigmentation, excessive tanning and uneven skin tone. Moreover, according to various reviews, the procedure is known to be quite effective.
The most commonly used peeling agents include Salicylic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA), Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), Retinoids (Retinoic acid, retinol, retinyl palmitate, retinaldehyde), Phenol (carbolic acid), Alpha Keto Acids (Pyruvic Acid) and Jessner’s Solution. Let me tell you that these chemicals are used in concentrated amounts making the application product more stronger. The concentration and combination of peeling agents differs according to the type of peels. Very superficial(mild), superficial, medium depth and deep are the basic types of peels.
Chemical peeling starts with thorough cleansing of your skin. This is followed by application of peeling chemicals which penetrates the skin and stimulates regeneration of a new epidermis. Application of the peel commonly leads to a warm sensation which lasts for 5 to 10 minutes. This is often accompanied or followed by a stinging sensation or mild burning sensation. Aftercare plays a major role in chemical peel skin treatment. After the treatment, you need to use a mild soap for a few days and apply the recommended moisturizer regularly along with the prescribed topical medication. Keeping your skin from direct sunlight and application of quality sunblock is a must during the healing period. Taking proper aftercare is essential to stay away from any chemical peel side effects.
Microdermabrasion cost is much lower than the cost of chemical peel procedure. While the ‘microdermabrasion at home’ kits are popularly used and known to be safe, getting the treatment of chemical peels at home is usually not recommended. Considering the chemical peel risks in case of deeper peels, the procedure needs to be done with optimum care as the same involves a lot of chemical agents. Well, when you’re debating over the two methods, you will find a lot of advantages and disadvantages of both the treatments over each other.