Symptoms of mild autism in adults are more or less similar to those found in case of children. This article will give you detailed information on autism in adults.
If you have watched movies like Mozart and the Whale or My Name is Khan, you must be having some idea on what autism is. Well, you may argue that the disorder shown in both the movies is the Asperger’s syndrome. This is true, but, Asperger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder, that is found in adults. It should be noted that autism develops in childhood and never in adulthood. Therefore, even if symptoms of autism are found in adults, they have always had the disorder since childhood. There are several peculiar signs and symptoms which help in identifying mild autism in adults. Here we will take a look at the symptoms and treatment methods for autism.
Symptoms of Autism in Adults
Milder form of autism is difficult to identify at a young age (childhood) as the symptoms are fairly mild. However, in adults, mild autism or Asperger’s syndrome can cause difficulty in social interaction and can also affect the overall life of the individual. Difficulty in conversation or communication is the most prominent symptom of autism in adults. Although the symptoms may be mild, they should not be ignored.
- Poor communication skills that lead to lack of employment and broken relationships
- Preferring to live alone, solitude, loneliness
- Difficulty in maintaining eye contact
- Lack of empathy for others
- Difficulty in showing physical emotions
- Feels awkward if touched/hugged
- Difficulty in taking care of themselves
- Compulsive/obsessive behavior
- Aptitude and interest in a specific field
- Experiences high anxiety in minor or even non-existent issues
- Overwhelmed in social situations
- Social awkwardness
- Lack of intimacy
- Impaired conversation
- Difficulty in expressing feelings
- Stereotyped/repetitive speech
- Impaired dating and sexual relationships
- Shows panic or anger on disruption of schedule
- Irritability when experiences high emotions
- Difficulty in understanding non-verbal cues
People with autism or Asperger’s syndrome find it difficult to face social situations or even make a small talk. Their behavior seems bizarre to others, and the reactions they get from others can lead to a low confidence. Most of the people suffering from Asperger’s syndrome have intellect or ability in some form of art, academics, etc. However, they can’t sustain employment due to their lack of communication and social skills.
Treating Mild Autism
Living with an adult or a child suffering from autism can be difficult as they are loners and do not express their emotions. However, help and support from close family members helps the person in leading a normal life. Before looking for any treatment, it is essential to diagnose whether the condition is actually autism, or simply lack of social skills or introverted nature. If the person shows prominent symptoms like lack of communication, difficulty in making eye contact, getting tensed when touched, avoiding social life, etc., he may be suffering from mild autism.
There is no traditional treatment method that can be used uniformly in all cases. Treatment of autism consists of therapies, that can differ from person to person. The speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, social skills therapy, behavior therapy, etc., are some of the common therapies used to treat autism in children and adults. Either of these or a combination is used to help the person overcome his difficulty.
If a close family member is suffering from this disorder, you should try to understand and support him/ her. Going for immediate treatment therapy can help in overcoming the symptoms of autism to a great extent. Take care!
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical professional.