Mini dental implants (MDIs) are used to securely hold dentures. They are also recommended in cases where traditional dental implants cannot be fitted.
Those who wear dentures know the discomfort of holding them in your mouth. The lower denture, in particular, is very difficult to secure in place. Often, while eating or speaking, the denture comes off loose and starts floating in your mouth. Mini dental implants could be a good solution to anchor your dentures. Initially, they were designed to only secure them in your jaw, however, they have surpassed their primary use and are increasingly used for other dental applications. They are also used as a substitute for traditional implants if there is no room for fitting them, or a person cannot tolerate them for some reason.
The Working
- They are made of titanium and come in four diameters 1.8 mm, 2.1 mm, 2.4 mm, and 2.9 mm.
- Each of these implants is available in lengths 10 mm, 13 mm, 15 mm, and 18 mm.
- The bottom half of the implant is a screw on which a metal ball-shaped head rests.
- The screw is drilled into the jawbone through gums.
- The denture is fitted with a metal housing and an O-ring.
- The metal socket fits around the ball perfectly, creating a snap.
- The rubber O-ring is used to produce suction so that the denture and the implant are securely held together.
Thus, the dentures do not move while talking or eating. While removing dentures, you simply have to apply a bit more force than you would normally do.
Surgical Procedure
One of the biggest advantage of MDIs is that this procedure is minimal invasive, and you get out of the dentist’s office in less than a couple of hours. The surgery is a single step procedure without any incisions on gums.
- The implants are drilled in your mandibular bone through the gums.
- The screw-like lower end of the implant provides maximum anchorage.
- Usually, six implants are drilled in the jawbone.
- In your dentures, six wells are drilled to fit the metal housing.
- An O-ring goes over it, and your denture is ready to snap in your implant.
- One of the biggest advantage is that you can now confidently speak and eat without bothering about the dentures floating in your mouth. Your lips are relieved of the duty of incessantly trying to hold them in place.
- Since the surgery is minimal invasive, there are no sutures and no month-long healing period. Besides, you also don’t have to endure the typical dental implant pain.
- There is no risk of infection or rejection, since most of the bone is retained.
- The patient can eat on the same day as surgery. There is no restriction on what to eat and what not to eat. Moreover, the surgery can be performed using your old, ill fitting dentures only. Only in rare cases, you may have to invest in new ones.
- Mini implants cost much lesser than traditional implants.
- On an average, you won’t be spending anything more than 60% of the cost of traditional dental implants.
- Basic procedures cost about $1,250 – $3,000. You can expect to shell more, if you go for advance procedures like crown support, bone regeneration etc.
Thus, mini dental implants can be an ideal option for people who do not wish to go for complete dental implants. However, it is wise to check if you are a candidate for this procedure, because certain medical illnesses may induce complications later.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.