When obesity reaches a level where the condition becomes irreversible, it can only be corrected with the help of a surgical procedure. There have been many who have taken the road to natural supplements alone or have taken to exercising regularly, but to no avail. Morbid obesity surgery becomes important and the only solution to accept, when all the other methods have failed and have not yielded the desired results.
There are times when we are faced with weighty issues and thus we are constantly dodged by the fact that lingers on in our minds to lose weight. Some of us are categorized as overweight, obese or morbidly obese. Obesity could thus be equated with slow poisoning. It kills you slow and steady, and even encourages you to indulge in all that you desire to enjoy.
Whether it is munching on your favorite chocolate cookies or gobbling up your favorite cuisine. It is here that we need to curb our urges and make amendments. We reach a situation where the condition is far from being altered with dietary supplements and regular exercise regimen alone. They may however be a part of the weight loss program, but definitely do not feature as the best singular option that have the supreme potency of improving the situation for the better.
What are the Causes of Morbid Obesity?
When we think of what has led us to an irreversible situation like this, we are reminded of the lifestyle that we have accepted, consumption of foods that were not meant for us or have been meant to consume in moderation and most importantly we have shown no keen interest in physical activities. If only we were not exposed to these eccentricities we would have been in a better position and might have not required a morbid obesity surgery nor would we be thinking about the potential morbid obesity surgery complications.
Apart from these factors, genetics is also a major factor where, obesity is heredity. In this situation, the condition cannot improve by administering less of nutrition. Certain medical illnesses such as underactive thyroid troubles may also cause an individual to put on excess weight. Whatever the cause of morbid obesity, it is necessary to take steps in order to manage weight as you know that there are a number of health risks associated with obesity.
What are the Risk Factors of Morbid Obesity?
Morbid obesity brings with it the risks and health hazards that we may not encourage in ourselves in order to encounter them. Morbid obesity is accompanied with a lot of health hazards. They are:
- Blood pressure may escalate.
- Cholesterol levels may face a hike.
- You may be a victim of heart disease.
- You may counter joint problems like osteoporosis or arthritis.
- Troubles with the gallbladder may strike you.
- Sleep disorder like insomnia can make way and disrupt your life.
Morbid Obesity Surgery Procedures and Complications
Roux En Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
What is this Surgery all About – Brief Description
This weight loss surgery for obesity is one where the abdominal cavity is reduced to accommodate less food content. The abdominal wall is stapled so that the anterior part of the stomach is positioned correctly. A pouch is created in order to reduce the consistency of content ingested into the stomach. With this surgery you manage to eat very little as you are bound to feel full soon. This also results in consuming lesser food and thus the calories that are consumed are also significantly reduced.
Complications that the Surgery may Pose
- Vomiting
- There could be probability of indigestion and heartburn if chewing of food is not well facilitated.
- Nutritional deficiency in terms of calcium and vitamins may also occur.
- There could be a potential leak between the pouch and small intestine which also requires another surgery for correction.
- Problems with the staples or band can occur.
- Development of inguinal hernias, peptic ulcers and in some cases ulcerative colitis can also take place.
Vertical Banded Gastroplasty or Stomach Stapling
What is this Surgery all About – Brief Description
Vertical banded gastroplasty or stomach stapling is a procedure that is carried forward by applying staples in a vertical format along the wall of the stomach. The stapling is done to reduce the size of the abdominal cavity. Smaller quantities of food being consumed will definitely result in you consuming lesser calories. If you eat more than the pouch can accommodate, you will experience discomfort in the abdominal cavity. When your intake of food expels fewer calorie’s, it means that you have started to lose fat, successfully resulting in weight loss.
Complications that the Surgery may Pose
- In this surgery as well, there is a possibility of infection in the neighboring areas.
- You may experience bleeding during and a little after surgery.
- A second operation is prescribed to amend the initial surgical procedure.
- The staples that are applied may result in leakages.
Gastric Banding Surgery
What is this Surgery all About – Brief Description
Adjustable gastric banding is a surgery that is conducted for individuals who rank high on the BMI and have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 40. This method is also applicable for those who have made an effort to lose weight with other elementary methods f weight loss. In such cases, surgical alternative is the last resort. All those who are faced with medical issues may also consider this surgery. What the adjustable gastric banding proposes to do is to reduce the accommodating passage of the stomach so that the individual feels full when he has eaten even a small quantity of food.
Complications that the Surgery may Pose
- There is a possibility that you could counter infection with the surgery.
- Bleeding is also possible after this surgery is conducted however it is not too severe in nature.
- The band has the capacity to slip into the abdominal cavity.
- The band can get displaced.
- With the changes in the size of the stomach, there are probabilities that heartburn or slight indigestion may occur.
In a nutshell, overweight issues can be tackled with appropriate care, exercises, and diet regulations; however, where obesity is concerned, the situation diverts toward a surgical alternative. Obesity that cannot be countered with by-the-way solutions, and products have to be dealt with morbid obesity surgery.