Children with autism need special attention and modifications to the conventional teaching and parenting approaches as compared to other kids. Here is a list of must-read books that contain practical solutions to several day-to-day challenges faced while parenting children with autism.
“I know of nobody who is purely autistic, or purely neurotypical. Even God has some autistic moments, which is why the planets spin.”
― Jerry Newport, Your Life is Not a Label
For a child with autism, the role of parents, caregivers, and educators becomes even more significant right from the development of the sensory, visual, and motor skills of the child to being a successful and proud individual.
Coupled with professional help, books can help them better understand, discover, and enhance the capabilities of their children, since every single child with autism has a unique set of talents.
Given below is a compilation of some helpful books that can ensure parents and caregivers to give their best, and guide their children in every possible way they can.
Could It Be Autism?: A Parent’s Guide to the First Signs and Next Steps
by Nancy Wiseman and Kim Painter Koffsky
Published By: Harmony (Crown Publishing Group)
Published On: April 10, 2007
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0767919734 (ISBN13: 9780767919739)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
This book is a practical guide for early diagnosis and intervention provided by Nancy Wiseman, the parent of a child with autism, and the founder and president of First Signs, Inc. It emphasizes on the need for early detection of autism, and provides the red flags that point towards it.
In addition to providing an easy-to-use checklist of important milestones, the book also gives an insight into the screening tests and diagnostic procedures. It also includes inspiring quotes from parents of children with autism as well as examples of children who have benefited from an early diagnosis and immediate attention.
Quotable Lines …✍
“But, when it comes to your child, you are an expert. … You know your baby’s babbling, burbling voice and would be the first to notice if it suddenly fell silent. … And, while your pediatrician has seen hundreds of sore throats and infected ears, you’ve seen a few things too.”
The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum
by Temple Grandin and Richard Panek
Published By: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Published On: April 30, 2013
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0547636458 (ISBN13: 9780060899196)
Format: Hardcover
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
Co-authored by an influential personality who made it through all the ups and downs of this unique condition, this book provides a brilliant explanation of autism which is in a language that is easy to understand. The strengths of an autistic brain have been focused upon along with her personal experiences and perspectives about making the most of these strengths.
This book makes it to the must-read list of autism books for parents because it instills hope and inspiration for parents to understand the tiny brains better, and helps them through the journey of their angels From Margins to the Mainstream.
Quotable Lines …✍
“I have walked around the yard, committed every detail of it to memory, stored the images in my brain like a computer, then retrieved the appropriate images at will. I can do this kind of drawing because I’m a person with autism.”
Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
by Shannon Des Roches Rosa, Jennifer Byde Myers, Liz Ditz, Emily Willingham, and Carol Greenburg
Published By: Deadwood City Publishing
Published On: November 28, 2011
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1471604012 (ISBN13: 9781471604010)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
A compilation of essays by parents, autistic individuals, as well as professionals, this book provides a practical guide to take a positive approach while dealing with autism. In a carefully organized manner, these essays give an overview and resources for the treatment options and therapies, the areas where care and attention is required, as well as the issues faced and their plausible solutions.
A special section also focuses on complementary and alternative medicines, dietary modifications, and other methods that are not backed by significant scientific evidence. In the chaotic world of thousands of options, this book provides the rational thinking required to assess them.
Author Quote …✍
“You need to remember that an autism label is just that — a label. It can help describe your child, but it doesn’t define your child.”
― Shannon Des Roches Rosa
Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew (Updated and Expanded Edition)
by Ellen Notbohm and Veronica Zysk
Published By: Future Horizons
Published On: October 1, 2012
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1935274651 (ISBN13: 9781935274650)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
A mother of sons with autism and ADHD, Ellen Notbohm provides an insight into the mind of a child with autism in this bestseller, now available in an expanded and updated edition. It provides the perfect means for a better understanding of the sensory chaos and difficulties experienced by children on the spectrum.
It also serves as a guide to help motivate children with autism and overcome hurdles coupled with her personal experiences. Most importantly, this book will serve to increase the patience a parent needs while dealing with the unpredictable nature of their loved ones.
Quotable Lines …✍
“Every child deserves to start his or her life and education with a slate clean of preconceived notions. Labels are not necessarily malicious but they are seldom harmless.”
What I Wish I’d Known About Raising a Child with Autism
by Bobbi Sheahan and Kathy DeOrnellas
Published By: Future Horizons
Published On: June 15, 2011
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1935274236 (ISBN13: 9781935274230)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
It is a result of the combined efforts of a mother of a child with autism, Bobbi Sheahan, and a professional psychologist, Kathy DeOrnellas. This book is a must-read since it takes the reader through a journey about the basics of autism, the early signs, as well as techniques to deal with the mysterious and unique set of behavioral characteristics they observe in their child.
Bobbi shares her personal experiences and ups and downs while trying to understand her daughter and help her flourish and develop. She also comments on the experience parents have while consulting their relatives and professionals, who are anxious to blame it all on bad parenting and the issues that follow. The quotes from a dozen other parents highlighting the practical problems they faced are inspiring as well as supportive.
Quotable Lines …✍
“And don’t let your in-laws convince you that you’re a just a terrible parent and that all Junior needs is a good whack in the tush. Give ’em a copy of this book.”
Beyond the Autistic Plateau – A Parent’s Story and Practical Help with Autism
by Stephen Pitman
Published By: Lulu
Published On: July 18, 2012
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1471604012 (ISBN13: 9781471604010)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Written by a father of a son with autism, with the intention to share his experiences and reach out to other parents and caregivers, this book narrates his journey from the birth of his son, his infancy, the initial diagnosis, education, as well as the therapies and treatments.
The book provides practical tips useful at each stage, and areas from speech and communication, to playing, learning, music, social interactions, as well as diet and eating habits. It provides useful suggestions to help your child learn and enjoy the world that every child deserves to enjoy.
Author Quote …✍
“There were a lot of clinical studies and also general books about families with autistic children, but they gave very little practical help on a day-to-day basis. That’s why I’ve written this one – it tells a story but it’s also divided into sections and indexed so that readers can easily refer to the relevant information they want.”
― Stephen Pitman
Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Practical Resource of Play Ideas for Parents and Carers
by Julia Moor
Published By: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Published On: July 1, 2008
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1843106086 (ISBN13: 9781843106081)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
In this truly practical resource, Julia Moor, a psychologist and qualified teacher, as well as the mother of a son with autism, pours in all the creativity and innovative ways to make your child learn through games and pictures. Beginning with the importance of playing, the book provides innumerable ways to keep your child engaged, and learn through a series of puzzles, images, physical activities, toys, books, as well as through computers and television.
It explains the interpretations that occur in an autistic brain and provides simple and easy-to-implement ideas to enhance the learning experience of your child. In addition, the book also contains information regarding the toys and their suppliers, references and websites for reading material, as well as picture prompts that can be used by the parents.
Quotable Lines …✍
“Just as you are an expert observer of your own child’s reactions and behavior, he too is an expert observer of you as one of the most significant adults in his life. Throw yourself into your own interactions, be playful in your own experience of life, love the good bits, laugh at the bad bits and be determined to make the most of every exceptional moment of your exceptional child’s play.”
1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Lifesaver for Parents and Professionals Who Interact Children with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome
by Ellen Notbohm and Veronica Zysk
Published By: Future Horizons
Published On: February 28, 2010
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1935274066 (ISBN13: 9781935274063)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Equipped with simple ideas to implement at home as well as in school, while playing indoors and outdoors, while reading, learning and problem-solving, this book is another useful, practical guide for raising children with autism. The foreword by Temple Grandin is more than inspiring, much like herself.
Organized into sections that focus on sensory integration, communication, language, behavior, social interactions, daily living, these endless ideas are creative, and focus on different aspects of your child’s development. A special section also provides an insight into the lawful rights and legal considerations one needs to be aware of with respect to the educational institutions.
Quotable Lines …✍
“In a darkened room, the adult shines his flashlight onto the wall, and asks the child to match the spot with her flashlight. Move to another spot and repeat.”
― For developing visual processing skills
The Child with Autism at Home and in the Community: Over 600 must-have tips for making home life and outings easier for everyone!
by Kathy Labosh and LaNita Miller
Published By: Future Horizons
Published On: February 25, 2011
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1935274201 (ISBN13: 9781935274209)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
A must-read not just for parents and caregivers but also for friends, educators, and professionals, this is a collection of ideas by a mom, Kathy Labosh and a special educator, LaNita Miller. The very apt ideas focus on behavioral solutions while being around and dealing with children on the spectrum in a positive and patient manner.
The first part provides tips to tackle several problems at home with respect to the kitchen, bedroom, playroom, living room, etc. These include suggestions in aspects like sleeping problems the child faces in the bedroom, the food tantrums in the kitchen, enjoyable activities he/she can enjoy in the playroom, etc. On the other hand, the second part focuses on the behavioral aspects at various places, like malls, grocery stores, restaurants, family get-together, clinics, church, doctors’ offices, etc.
Quotable Lines …✍
“Don’t get upset with the pace of your child’s progress; it’s not your child’s fault he has autism. Expressions of frustration tend to slow down learning. And the child might be afraid to try that activity again, because he associates it with getting in trouble.”
Realizing the College Dream With Autism or Asperger Syndrome: A Parent’s Guide to Student Success
by Ann Palmer
Published By: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Published On: January 1, 2005
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1843108011 (ISBN13: 9781843108016)
Format: Paperback
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
With her personal experiences and inspiring words, Ann Palmer provides suggestions right from encouraging the college dream, to choosing a college, adjusting to the changes, being independent, and being prepared for the challenges in store.
Beginning from the diagnosis of autism to the early schooling and strategies that can be implemented during middle and high school education, the book goes on to provide solutions with respect to academic pressure, difficulties in coping up with the other students, living independently and away from home, etc.
Quotable Lines …✍
“College was never an option. The day the doctor told us that our three-year-old son Eric had autism, our world changed forever. … Now I know that I was wrong: wrong to give up on dreams for my son and wrong to expect so little.”
Other Notable Reads
» Different, Not Less: Ultimate Success Stories from People with Autism and Asperger’s
― Temple Grandin
» The Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be
― Martha Herbert and Karen Weintraub
» Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through Autism
― Arthur Fleischmann and Carly Fleischmann
» A Regular Guy: Growing Up With Autism
― Laura Shumaker
» Autism: Understanding and Acceptance
― Stuart Duncan
» Challenging the Myths of Autism: Unlock New Possibilities and Hope
― Jonathan Alderson
» Developing Leisure Time Skills for Persons with Autism: A Practical Approach for Home, School and Community
― Phyllis Coyne, Colleen Nyberg, and Mary Lou Vandenburg
» Louder Than Words: A Mother’s Journey in Healing Autism
― Jenny McCarthy
» Parent Survival Manual: A Guide to Crisis Resolution in Autism and Related Developmental Disorders
― Eric Schopler
» Crazy Love: A Traumedy about Life with Autism
― Sharie Walter
» The Way I See It: A Personal Look at Autism and Asperger’s
― Temple Grandin
» 1,001 Tips for the Parents of Autistic Boys: Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Doctors, Schools, Taxes, Vacations, Babysitters, Treatments, Food, and More
― Ken Siri
» Keys to Parenting the Child with Autism
― Marlene Targ Brill
» Gravity Pulls You In: Perspectives on Parenting Children on the Autism Spectrum
― Kyra Anderson (Editor), Vicki Forman (Editor) and several contributors
The experiences and instances presented in these books may or may not be what you have come across, because every single child with autism is unique. But the key is to understand the logic behind the child’s behavior and accordingly adapt to his/her needs along with the timely help of professionals, including doctors and teachers.