For those of you who are not very convinced about pills to enhance testosterone levels in your body, this article provides a this list of natural testosterone booster foods, that will bring you back to life with positivity.
An important hormone in the male body, testosterone is responsible for the development of different organs. These include development of bones, skin, muscle mass, physical features such as facial hair, and sex organs. Testosterone production increases during puberty resulting in the development of a masculine physique, and is even responsible for increased levels of energy. Produced in the testes, it is a hormone that is at its peak in the male body in the early twenties.
As a man grows older, the production of this hormone reduces. While age is the primary factor in reducing its production, there are numerous other lifestyle factors that play a role in decreased production of testosterone. These include lack of physical activity, poor sleep patterns, obesity, high cholesterol levels, stress, and the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. Low testosterone levels show up through symptoms such as thinning of hair and skin, fatigue, poor sex drive, depression, weight gain, muscle weakening, and weakening of the metabolism.
The best way to increase this hormone would be to tackle the aforementioned problems. However, apart from these, there are some foods that you can consume that function as natural testosterone boosters. Keep in mind that testosterone is not just important for increased sex drive and libido. Your basic energy levels are also determined by this hormone.
Boosting Testosterone Through Your Diet
As mentioned above, to tackle this deficiency in your body, you ought to look into its causes. Start working out, quit smoking, and drinking, and practice relaxation techniques for stress. Finally, change your diet to include these foods that boost testosterone and you are bound to feel much better.
Oysters top the list of natural testosterone foods, as they are known to function as aphrodisiacs that help increase sex drive. They consist of zinc, one of the many important nutrients that help enhance the production of this hormone. Consuming these in their raw form once a week are known to make a huge difference over time.
Meat is a great source of protein and helps stimulate the production of this hormone to help muscle development. Those of you who require to develop muscle as athletes or bodybuilders, should consume oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, turkey, chicken, beef, and pork. While white meat is lighter, red meat is rich in fats. Don’t overeat red meat as it can lead to high cholesterol levels and weight gain. Enjoy lean cuts of red meat it in moderation, grilled or baked.
Eggs too consist of protein and cholesterol, both very necessary nutrients to synthesize testosterone. Consume three to four eggs a day either hard-boiled or fried in very little olive oil. Studies have shown that the cholesterol in eggs is not as harmful, and is therefore safe for consumption.
Specific fruits contain several vitamins that might prove beneficial. These include bananas, figs, avocados, and the different types of berries. Make yourself a fruit smoothie with skimmed milk or low-fat yogurt, or enjoy fresh fruits with a bowl of oats. These foods will definitely fill you up with energy.
Nuts such as almonds, cashew, walnuts, and pine nuts are some very essential foods that help boost this hormone. Much on a handful whenever hungry, and you will get a power packed snack that brings you back to life.
Cruciferous and Other Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables include those such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, radish, bok choy, and cabbage. Apart from these vegetables, asparagus, celery, and onions should definitely be included in your diet. Enjoy these raw, roasted, steamed, or lightly stir fried. Don’t overcook vegetables as little nutritional value is left in these foods after cooking.
You have to get that glass of milk to feel re-energized. Get your dairy from skimmed or low-fat milk, yogurt, or cottage cheese daily.
Packed with proteins and zinc, beans are great vegetarian foods that boost testosterone. These include soy beans, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans. These are also low in fat and high in fiber.
Including the aforementioned food as a part of your diet, might prove beneficial. You can also try out herbs that are known to be great as testosterone enhancers such as damiana and garlic. All in all, when you develop a diet to include all these foods, you are bound to feel better, healthier, and livelier. Just give it a little time, and you will notice a positive difference.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.