Mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a customized drug formula into the skin for facilitating fat loss. Needle-free mesotherapy, as the name suggests, is a non-invasive version of mesotherapy that doesn’t involve the administration of drugs through injections. Scroll down to know more about this procedure.
Mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure that not only helps in eliminating cellulite or localized fat deposits, but also helps in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. While traditional mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure, where certain drugs are injected into the mesoderm (the germ layer that lies between the ectoderm and endoderm), needle-free mesotherapy is a non-invasive alternative which involves transdermal delivery of the drug mixture.Ā Once the mixture reaches the fat cells in the target area, it facilitates the rupture and death of the adipose fat cells.
This helps in removing the localized fat deposits. Iontophoresis, Phonophoresis and Isophoresis are some of the techniques that are commonly used for delivering the drug mixture into the mesoderm through unbroken skin. The drugs or therapeutic substances that are delivered usually include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, natural extracts and homeopathic/allopathic medicines. This non-invasive needle-free procedure is a better alternative for those who usually suffer from irritation, soreness or discoloration at the site of injection. Here’s some information about this procedure along with its pros and cons.
How Is Needle-free Mesotherapy Different From Traditional Mesotherapy
It is basically the process that is used for drug delivery which differentiates traditional mesotherapy from needle-free version of mesotherapy. In traditional mesotherapy, the mixture of therapeutic substances is injected through very short and thin needles. Usually 4-6 mm needles are used for this purpose. The purpose of administering drugs through micro-injections is to dissolve the fat deposits and prevent cells from storing fat. Since the customized formula contains nutrients, the production of collagen and elastin may also be stimulated in the process.
However, people who undergo the injection-based mesotherapy may experience pain or a burning sensation after the customized formula is injected through needles. The number of times one may be injected would depend on the size of the body part, as well as the amount of fat. Some people may have to be injected many times in one session. Those who have a sensitive skin may also get red spots due to slight bleeding. Some patients may get bruises around the areas where the drug has been injected.
The needle-free procedure, on the other hand, is a good alternative for those who flinch at the sight of an injection. Since it is a painless procedure, it is also a good option for those who have a lower threshold of pain. As mentioned earlier, techniques such as iontophoresis, phonophoresis and isophoresis are used to deliver medicines across the skin into the target area.
Iontophoresis, which is one of the most commonly used procedures, refers to the electromotive administration of drugs. This procedure involves the use of local electric current for introducing the ions of the drug mixture into the tissues through the water-based channels of the skin. Continuous reverse-polarity electrical pulses are used for moving the formula across the skin into the targeted tissues. Isophoresis is another technique in which a pulsed and modulated current is used to activate molecules so as to allow them to permeate the skin and penetrate into the tissues.
There is another technique that employs ultrasound waves to move the drug into the tissues. It is referred to as Phonophoresis. These days, different types of mesotherapy equipment are also available in the market. While some of the machines work on the principle of iontophoresis, there are others that use the process of electroporation for achieving transdermal delivery of mesotherapy formula. In case of electroporation technology, the electrical pulses that are delivered by an active electrode on the skin create mesopores or open channels in the cellular membrane.
The formula, then passes through these temporary channels into the targeted tissues. If you surf the Internet, you will also come across devices that work on the principle of electroporation, iontophoresis or other such techniques. UltrapeelĀ® TransdermĀ® Meso System is one such device that uses the electroporation technique. You will also find many types of portable devices. Most of these devices will cost you anywhere between $1,000 to $2,000.
Pros and Cons of Needle-free Mesotherapy
As mentioned earlier, needle-free version of mesotherapy is the best option for those who have a low pain threshold. Unlike traditional mesotherapy, where multiple pricking may cause redness, pain, swelling or a burning sensation, the needle-free version of mesotherapy does not cause any discomfort. While numbing creams may be used on those who undergo traditional mesotherapy, there’s no need to use them in this needle-free procedure.
Since there is no skin trauma, there is obviously no risk of infection at the site of injection. When compared with the injection-based mesotherapy procedure, this non-invasive procedure is definitely a safer alternative. It is mainly this aspect that is reflected in the reviews. Though this needle-free approach has eliminated the potential side effects associated with the injection-based mesotherapy, mesotherapy in itself is not FDA approved. There is a lack of research when it comes to confirming the validity of claims regarding the fat or cellulite removal.
Moreover, the response that one may have to the ingredients in the formula could also vary. It can be expensive as well. The cost of needle-free version of mesotherapy would vary depending on the needs of the client. The number of mesotherapy sessions one would need, would vary depending on the size and complexity of the target area. Fat removal from thighs, abdomen, hips or buttocks would definitely require many sessions. Since one may end up shelling out about $500 per area in one session, the cost would be high if many sessions are required. Like many other anti-cellulite treatments, this procedure also cannot bring about permanent weight loss.
This was a brief overview on needle-free version of mesotherapy. Though the needle-free method is considered to be a safer alternative to other invasive methods of cellulite removal and skin rejuvenation, its effects may not be long-lasting. If one doesn’t improve one’s dietary habits and continues to lead a sedentary lifestyle, the fat deposits may appear again.