The following article gives you a brief account of what oral herpes is and then goes on to tell you about some forms of oral herpes treatment. Read the following article to clear any doubts you might have about this condition.
Oral herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). There are two types of the herpes simplex viruses―the HSV-1 is what causes oral herpes in the form of cold sores and blisters, while HSV-2 causes genital blisters. Though, there have been cases reported which show that either of these viruses can cause both, oral and genital herpes. Oral herpes is contagious and can be easily transmitted from one person to the other by sharing a glass of water or by any other close contact. So also, oral herpes can be sexually transmitted as well. The following article deals with the different forms of oral herpes treatment and how to bring herpes cure into action.
Oral herpes might be formed in clusters or as a single outbreak. Before they take the form of cold sores onto the skin, the area of the soon-to-be blisters will begin to itch and scratch. Most commonly, oral herpes will take the form of cold sores and fever blisters. These will typically make way on the lips, while other blisters even develop under the nose, on wounds, and other mucous membranes of the skin. These sores are tiny liquid-filled blisters that ulcerate if severe and then start to crust over. Severe and ulcerated sores are often accompanied by fever. The blisters often break and the liquid in the sore oozes over causing scabs and reddening of skin.
Oral herpes causes a lot of discomfort due to their strategic location and lead to great degrees of pain. The treatment for the same therefore becomes absolutely necessary because they are highly contagious.
Treatment at Home
Increasing Fluid Intake
The best remedy for oral herpes is to increase fluid intake by way of water and other health juices. These flush out the toxins from the body and help to de-acidify the toxic environment in the body.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of those multipurpose healers that works for almost any health ailment. The best way to go about this is to cut out a section of a live leaf and collect it’s gel. Then apply the gel onto the cold sore and lesion, this will heal the wound in no time by providing instant relief from the inflammation caused by the blister and helping in the healing process.
Garlic has very strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties that work like a miracle. Either ingest 3-4 cloves everyday to boost the immune system, or crush the garlic cloves (fresh) and then apply the liquid on the sores, twice or thrice a day. It has the ability to penetrate the layers of the skin and get to the root of the cause.
Propolis is found in conifer and poplar buds and is a brownish substance that contains resin. Bees often use it to bond their hives together. The same properties get carried over when it is used to clear oral herpes. An application of propolis on the blister causes the skin on the blister to bond together and prevent the virus from entering into the body. Therefore, an application of propolis on the areas of skin which are about to develop blisters, will sufficiently prevent the outbreak.
Lemon Balm Extract
Lemon balm extract (either local, or in the form of creams) is known to speed the healing process of oral herpes to a great extent and is therefore one of the best home remedies.
Use a cold compress in the form of ice or tea bags that have been refrigerated. Repeat this throughout the day at regular intervals. So also, a hot tea bag compress that is used for 30 minutes can help a great deal in clearing the blisters.
Over-the-Counter Treatment
There are several over-the-counter types of medication available in the market today. Some of these are:
- Topical antiviral agents in the form of creams are applied as the first symptoms of itching and sensitive skin begin to develop. These should include ingredients like Acyclovir cream, Docaonal, and Penciclovir.
- Intravenous agents like Acyclovir and Valacyclovir are used when the blisters are too severe to be treated with topical creams.
- Oral treatments are not usually used when it comes to oral herpes because they can have an adverse effect and affect the immune system. Studies are still being conducted to ascertain this fact and develop medication.
The methods that have been mentioned above will work as the perfect oral herpes treatment. You could either take preventive measures, or use any of the methods mentioned above for treating the herpes and prevent them from spreading further.
Disclaimer – This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.