Otoplasty is a surgery performed to correct visible deformities in the ear. It has a short recovery period if taken proper care and precautions. Know more on otoplasty recovery time in this article.
Ear deformities are one of the most common congenital deformities. Many people are born with too large ears or ears that abnormally stick away from head. All these deformities can be taken care of with an ear pinning surgery or an otoplasty. Additionally, one can also correct irregular shapes of ears and other visible ear problems. Generally children and teenagers are the ideal candidates for this surgery, however, some adults may also choose to go for this surgery. Otoplasty surgery is a minor one without too many complications and require relatively shorter recovery time.
Otoplasty Surgery
Otoplasty surgery can be performed on anyone with a stable mental and physical health. Many parents decide to get their children operated at a younger age, as it is believed that this age provides the best results. However, sometimes, even adults may decide to go for this surgery as soon as they have enough resources to cover otoplasty cost. The surgery results are more or less same for adults and children.
In fact, in case of children, one has to execute fair amount of caution during the recovery period. The surgery itself is a minor one with only a small degree of complication. Generally local anesthesia or mild sedatives are given during the surgery. The surgery basically involves removing a small amount of ear cartilage and suturing it back. Person can walk home within a few hours of surgery.
Otoplasty Recovery Period
After this plastic surgery, your surgeon will cover your ears in thick bandages to protect them, as well as to encourage fast healing. It is very common to experience throbbing, stinging of ears during this time. However, pain can be controlled with the help of medications, which your surgeon will anyway prescribe you. Children must be warned not to touch their ears, no matter how much they sting. The swelling will subside after a couples of days. By this time, the patients must be able to see the new and improved shape of their ear. However, it may take days before you are actually able to see their real and optimum shape.
The dressing can be removed a week after the surgery. Your surgeon will ensure that the ear has healed properly and take appropriate measures, if it hasn’t. One must take care that the dressing should not become wet during this period. Besides, you must always keep your head in an elevated position at all times. Do not bending over your head until 3 weeks post surgery. After the dressing is removed, the doctor will give you a thick headband to cover your ears. This headband is to be worn only at night. One must avoid sleeping on their operated sides for at least 3 weeks after the surgery. Similarly, rigorous exercises or any kind of stress to ears must be avoided.
Adults can resume their normal activities 2 days after the surgery. However, children should be prevented from any rough play or activities for at least 3 to 4 weeks post surgery. Typically, it takes at least 6 weeks to recover completely from otoplasty surgery. However, recovery time may extend if you are not careful with post surgery care. It is very important to follow your surgeon’s instructions to the word throughout your recovery period.
Otoplasty involves common surgery risks like infection and allergies. In some cases, blood clots may also form in ears. However, if you take proper care, your chances of catching an infection are minimum.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.