Overweight and obesity both represent body weights that are higher than what is considered to be healthy for an individual. If you weigh more than the normal weight for your height, you’re either obese or overweight.
Being overweight or obese is the same thing – you weigh more than the ideal body weight for your height. The only difference being that obesity is a more severe stage of weight gain than just being overweight. Though the terms overweight and obesity both represent too high body weight, the former is less severe than the latter, when it comes to health risks. All across the world, medical fraternity defines healthy weight by calculating BMI or the Basal Mass Index. BMI is a standard weight calculation method based on weight and height of children, teens and adults. If you know your height and weight, you can calculate your BMI. As per the World Health Organization, BMI is defined as, “A person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (i.e.Weight in kg/Height in m2)“.
It is important to note that a mere measure of BMI is not sufficient to predict obesity or overweight in an individual. BMI must be considered as a rough guide because every individual’s body is different. BMI has always been a controversial and too generalized factor, so don’t be worried if your BMI shows some different results than you expect. Bodybuilders and athletes have greater muscle mass but their BMI categorizes them in overweight range, which is certainly incorrect, as these are the people who’re usually healthy and fit. Nevertheless, in general, BMI does indicate quite validating figure regarding your weight status, so you can consider it as a rough idea as to where you stand, when it comes to being normal weight, overweight or obese category.
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)
Given below is an online BMI calculator. Using this table you can know if you’re underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese.
Now that you know your BMI value, use the table below to know which category you belong to.
Weight Status Class | |
BMI Value | Weight Status |
Below 18.5 | Underweight |
18.5 – 24.9 | Normal |
25.0 – 29.9 | Overweight |
30.0 – above | Obese |
Difference Between Overweight and Obesity
At the outset, overweight and obese both are weight gains however, the latter is a more severe form of weight gain. In this era, gaining some extra 10 to 20 pounds more than your normal weight is theoretically not considered to be unhealthy. It all depends on your agility and health status. But the problem becomes grave when an individual gains so much weight that he or she is likely to cross the threshold of being overweight and enters in the obese category. So if you’re not way too heavy from your ideal weight (just a few pounds extra) then you must not be worried about being obese. Few pounds of extra weight is a part and parcel of our life, given the complex lifestyle these days. However, if your weight is significant enough to push you towards the end of overweight spectrum, almost categorizing you to obesity, then be ready to work upon it, at the earliest.
Difference #1
Overweight is a condition when a person has a body weight that is higher than the ideal weight limit. It can be due to increased calorie intake, physical inactivity and other reasons. Obesity, on the other hand is one step ahead of being overweight. If the weight increases way too ahead (theoretically, a BMI more than 30, as stated above), then the person is called obese.
Difference #2
As per the Center for Disease and Control, overweight people have a BMI ranging between 25 and 29.9 while for obese people, the BMI is above 30. So as you can note that being obese is crossing the edge of overweight range.
Difference #3
Overweight and obese people are at a greater risk of severe life-threatening diseases. Owing to limited movements and excessive fat, obese people are always more vulnerable to complications of the heart, bones and diabetes. Besides that, excessive weight also hinders fertility of individuals. The big difference between overweight and obesity is the fact that obesity is a serious health concern that has taken the form of epidemic in the USA.
Obesity has also become a major health problem in the US amongst children and teens. Earlier obesity was a major cause of concern for people above 40 years of age but now even children are suffering from this grave health concern. While considering obesity in children, we have to consider age as a major factor and not only height and weight. The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) has prepared a obesity chart meant specifically for children and teens.
Obesity or excessive fat in the body can also be due to some medical conditions, however fortunately, it is not the major cause of this growing epidemic. Genetics and hereditary may be related to obesity but the major cause of obesity is sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating. As America has progressed by leaps and bounds, fast food culture has become an integral part of the lifestyle, giving way to health issues like obesity.
As aforementioned, differences between overweight vs. obesity highlight the major fact that both are unhealthy conditions, with obesity being more severe than overweight. Those who’re in the overweight bracket can work upon to get back to their normal body weight while those who’re obese must visit a medical expert and seek proper consultation to gain their health back.
Even if you haven’t yet faced any medical problems due to your heavy weight, it doesn’t mean that the future may also be the same. Being in the healthy weight range is always safe to avoid several medical complications. Healthy eating, plenty of exercises or workouts, be it walking, jogging, yoga, gym exercises and a peaceful mind can help you to gain the proper weight. It is good to take professional assistance of medical experts and fitness trainers as they keep you motivated and informed about your eating and exercising choices.