Treatment is unavoidable for those who experience the unpleasant symptoms of oxycodone withdrawal. Here is a brief overview about the condition and its treatment.
Oxycodone is a prescription drug that is used as a pain reliever. It is used for relief from mild, moderate, and severe pain. It is mostly administered to people who have undergone surgery, as a single dose is found to work for a longer time. The drug is given only to those people, who have been using it before surgery, for relieving pain. It is available in the form of pills and injections. This drug is mostly available in combination with other compounds, like paracetamol and aspirin.
Being a narcotic pain reliever, oxycodone produces a euphoric state in the user; and it is this feature that makes it one of the widely abused drugs. Ideally, it has to be used according to the prescribed doses, for the stipulated duration. Even genuine users may develop oxycodone addiction, as their body gets used to it. They may continue using this drug to get relief from pain, or to avoid withdrawal symptoms, or for feeling that euphoric state. People with oxycodone addiction (or even genuine users) may experience withdrawal symptoms, when they stop using this drug or lower its dosage. Though not life-threatening, such withdrawal symptoms can be severely unpleasant.
What is Oxycodone Withdrawal?
So this drug is a prescription pain reliever that is found to be abused on a very high rate. While it is used in high doses for that pleasurable euphoric state, some people like to snort the powder made by crushing the tablets. Another practice is to mix the powder with water, and inject it into the body.
This drug is intended for slow release, if taken orally. Using it in other ways means bypassing the slow release mechanism for that ‘high’ effect. Such methods of using oxycodone are illegal as well as unhealthy. Once such a user reduces the dosage or stops taking this drug, he may experience withdrawal symptoms that can be mild to severe. The severity of the symptoms may vary on the basis of factors, like the duration and frequency of use, and dosage. The severity of the symptoms may also vary from one person to another. Even genuine users of this drug may suffer from such withdrawal symptoms, once they stop the drug or miss a few doses. The following are some of the common oxycodone withdrawal symptoms.
- Sweating and palpitations
- Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Joint pain and muscle pain
- Insomnia, loss of appetite, and fatigue
- Excessive yawning, incessant cough
- Depression and irritability
- High blood pressure
- Dilated pupils
It is always better to contact your physician, and get the condition treated, according to his instructions. In some cases, the doctor may ask the patient to totally refrain from taking this drug. This method, which is referred to as quitting cold turkey (as in case of smoking and other such addictions), is mostly used in people, who have mild withdrawal symptoms.
Symptomatic treatment is also recommended in some cases. This is mainly done for inpatients. In such cases, each symptom is treated with relevant non-opiate medicines. For example, if the symptoms of the person include vomiting and depression, he will be administered with non-opiate drugs meant for nausea and depression. This method is preferred because the patient is spared from experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms.
In some cases, the doctor may use oxycodone substitutes to taper off the drug. The most commonly used alternative opiates are methadone and suboxone. These drugs create a stable state of mind, and their effects last longer, as compared to oxycodone. Gradually, these drugs are tapered off, by lowering the dosage. Along with the treatment for the physical symptoms, an ideal oxycodone detoxification program will take care of the emotional and behavioral problems faced by the individual.
The course of treatment may vary from one person to another. Even the family and friends of the affected people must help them to come out of this condition. So, avoid oxycodone abuse, and genuine users must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions for using this drug. In case, you notice any symptom of oxycodone addiction or withdrawal, contact your doctor immediately.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.