A common possible complication of tooth extraction is severe pain after the procedure. Read on to know all about the causes and treatment options for this pain.
If there’s anything that’s more dreaded than visiting a dentist is being told by him/her that the tooth you’re complaining about needs to be extracted. Yes, there cannot be anything worse than being told that the only way out of your painful state is by going in for a tooth extraction procedure. However, it does not always have to be that bad, as there are many easy ways to prevent the pain. Enlisted below are a few probable causes of the pain.
Causes of Tooth Pain
► Postoperative Infection
More often than not, after a tooth extraction, the dentist will prescribe certain antibiotics along with painkillers. These antibiotics are to be taken for a course of 3 or 5 days. Although certain people still question this practice and claim that antibiotics are not required after an extraction, the fact is that after an extraction, there is an open wound in the oral cavity. This wound takes a few weeks to completely heal, and till it completely heals, it is an open invitation to microorganisms. Thus, if the person does not take antibiotics, there are high chances of a tooth extraction infection. This can lead to gum pain after the extraction as well if the infection reaches the bone and causes the gums to swell.
► Aggravation of Pre-existing Infection
Sometimes, when there is only a slight periapical infection in the bone, then it does not show in the X-ray. After an extraction, this infection in the bone could eventually aggravate and result in severe pain. Furthermore, this is one of the common reasons of pain after the extraction of wisdom tooth, because the periapical area of a wisdom tooth might not be visible in the X-ray. Due to this, if the tooth is asymptomatic and the extraction is done without an antibiotic cover, it could flare-up the bone infection.
► Dry Socket
One of the most dangerous and painful complications is the development of a dry socket after tooth extraction. Dry socket is a condition in which the blood clot, which is formed as the first step in tooth healing after the extraction, gets dislodged from the socket. Due to this, the socket does not heal, and in fact, the gums recede to reveal the dry bone in the socket. This is a condition where there is severe pain post the extraction.
Treatment for the Pain
The treatment for pain after tooth extraction will depend on the cause of pain. If the pain is only due to an infection, then giving antibiotics suffices. However, if the infection has led to a huge swelling, then along with antibiotics there may be a need for incision and drainage of the swelling. However, when it comes to a dry socket condition, the treatment meted out needs to be done on a priority basis, as this condition is pretty serious. Normally, a betadine irrigation with a soothing agent helps mitigate the pain considerably.
Normally, immediately after getting a tooth extracted, many people do feel a bit of pain once the anesthesia wears off. However, if the pain is very severe or if there is excessive bleeding, then it is best to show the condition to the dentist immediately. Nevertheless, it is best to practice some simple tooth extraction care so as to prevent or possibly eliminate the occurrence of pain after an extraction.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.