Painful bumps on tongue can be caused due to a wide range of reasons. This Buzzle article describes the causes, symptoms, and treatment of bumps on tongue.
Tongue, the strongest muscle of our body, plays an important role in chewing and swallowing food. It helps us to speak as well. It is an important organ of the mouth which is used constantly. Painful bumps on tongue could be a sign of an infection. Inflamed papillae or taste buds are commonly referred to as bumps. The bumps can be seen on the surface of the tongue, at the base of the tongue, under the tongue, or on the sides and at the tip of the tongue. These can be cured with suitable treatment.
➺ Sores on tongue are most commonly seen as a reaction to certain chemicals present in some foods or drinks.
➺ Even certain toothpastes and medication may have adverse effects on the tongue.
➺ An injury from a bite or irritation from hot foods can lead to inflammation and pain. Irritating dentures or braces can also lead to painful bumps.
➺ Aphthous ulcers could also develop on the tongue, and may recur from time to time. These are red in color and are very painful but not infectious. These may be caused due to viral infections, very hot and spicy foods, hormonal imbalance, vitamin and mineral deficiencies (lack of iron, B12, and folic acid), allergy to certain medicines, stress, anxiety, certain diseases like Crohn’s disease, HIV, etc., or any injury to the tongue.
➺ Herpes is another condition which can cause blisters. Painful lesions that are caused by herpes simplex virus can stay for a week or more.
➺ White patches on the tongue are mostly caused by a condition called leukoplakia. Oral cancer, HIV, AIDS, chronic smoking, excessive sun exposure to the lips, irritation from rough teeth, fillings, crowns, or ill-fitting dentures, etc., can lead to leukoplakia. Oral cancer usually leads to formation of painless bumps.
➺ If you are suffering from bacterial infection like streptococcal infections, chances of developing a red-colored tongue are pretty high. In case you notice symptom like high fever and strawberry colored tongue, you should consult your doctor, as these can be diagnosed as scarlet fever. A dosage of antibiotics is must to treat scarlet fever.
Painful blisters or lesions on the tongue can be treated with proper medication.
➺ Saline water can be used as a mouthwash to cure painful lesions.
➺ You can apply a mixture of baking soda and sodium carbonate over the tongue.
➺ Add some vinegar to water, and use this mixture as an oral rinse. Warm salt water, swirled around in the mouth, can help relieve the pain.
➺ Even application of ice can give much relief.
➺ Doctors prescribe corticosteroid preparation to reduce the pain. Canker sores on tongue are mostly treated with corticosteroids like prednisone.
➺ Antiviral medication are also helpful in treating ulcers in mouth and tongue.
Since a deficiency of vitamins and minerals can lead to tongue sores, make sure that you follow a healthy diet. Good oral hygiene may also help to prevent oral infection. If painful lesions appear on your tongue, follow the aforementioned remedies. Do consult a doctor if symptoms don’t resolve soon.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.