Overuse of the peroneal tendon causes peroneal tendonitis. The rehabilitation exercises are recommended for faster recovery from the condition.
The peroneal tendons are located behind the outer ankle bone. If these tendons are overused, it leads to peroneal tendonitis. In most cases both the peroneal tendons are normally affected with this condition. Inflammation, swelling, pain and weakness are the symptoms of this condition. Other than overuse, repetitive similar motion during hiking, dancing, playing basketball or running on uneven surfaces or trauma are also known to cause the condition.
The peroneal tendonitis exercises are prescribed once the symptoms of inflammation, pain, weakness, swelling are under control. The exercises help in healing the tendons rather fast. The exercises should not be started unless you are able to stand comfortably on both the legs with weight distributed evenly on both the legs.
Peroneal Strengthening Exercises
After the basic peroneal tendon problems have been alleviated, stretching and strengthening exercises are recommended to the patient. These exercises help in strengthening the muscles of the ankle joint as well as to improve the range of motion and balance out the ankle joint. Having said that, we will now turn towards exercises to get rid of peroneal tendonitis.
Exercise # 1
The first of the exercise for treating ankle tendonitis is called towel stretch, because a towel is used to do the stretch. Sit down with the injured leg extended straight out. Now throw a towel around the ball of the foot, such that the towel loops around the ball of the feet. Slowly start pulling the towel towards you, such that the calf muscles are stretched. Hold the position for a count of 20 and release to repeat the exercise 5 times.
Exercise # 2
To do the next exercise, sit on the edge of the bed such that your leg from the ankle downwards is out of the bed. Now gently flex and point your feet, remember you have to flex your entire foot from the ankle and not just your toes. Try to stretch as far as you can. Repeat the exercise 10 to 12 times.
Exercise # 3
The next exercise is slightly similar to the exercise # 2. Sit on the edge of the bed as described in the second exercise. Try to move your foot from the ankle downwards in and out as far as you are comfortable and not in pain. Do the exercise as gently as you can, yet stretch as much as you can. This exercise also has to be repeated 10 to 12 times.
Exercise # 4
This exercise helps in stretching the ankle joint, lengthens the calf muscles as well as helps in restoring mobility in the tendon. Stand facing the wall, but about one foot away from the wall. Place your hands on the wall at about chest level. Now push the right leg a little further back away from the wall. Slightly bend the knees of both the legs and lean towards the wall, so that you are able to feel the stretch in the calf muscles. When you are pushing towards the wall, make sure both the feet are on the floor and the heel is not, off the floor. Hold the stretch for about 20 counts and repeat the exercise 5 to 7 times.
Exercise # 5
This peroneal tendonitis exercise should not only be done when one has peroneal problem but also after a physical activity. Stand on the edge of the stair, with your heels hanging off the stair. Now gradually try to push the heel towards the floor, till you feel the stretch in the arch of the foot. Stay in the position for 20 counts and then release. This exercise should be repeated at least 5 to 7 times.
Exercise # 6
In this exercise, you will do the opposite of what you did in the previous exercise. Stand behind the chair or kitchen counter. Lift your heels off the floor and try to balance your weight on you balls of your feet. Hold the position for 10 counts. Slowly release. It is best not to seek support, when you are doing the exercise. Eventually, you will want to do this exercise by lowering only one leg at a time.
These were some of the peroneal tendonitis exercises. It is necessary, that you consult your physiotherapist before you start doing these exercises. When you are doing the exercises, if you notice any kind of pain, bring it to your physiotherapist’s notice. At the same time, it is important that you do not self treat yourself or neglect the pain.