The phase 1 antifungal diet is all about consuming foods that hinder the growth of fungus in your body. We have introduced this diet to you, in this article. Read on…
Doug Kaufmann, the renowned host of the popular TV show, ‘Know the Cause’, has formulated the phase 1 antifungal diet. He researched on the fact that human beings become more vulnerable to fungal infections due to the foods they consume. The principles put forth by him were well proven, and he believed that the root of many maladies is found in fungi, which make their way into the body in large part from many of the carbohydrate-containing foods we regularly consume. From this sentence, you can understand that the diet limits consumption of carbohydrates to a large extent, and emphasizes more on the intake of fresh fruit fruits and vegetables.
Significance of the Diet
Many people have been reported with Candidiasis, a fungal infection that causes terrible harm to the body. Apart from this, many people have been diagnosed with yeast infection due to consumption of sugary and stale foods. Such foods, after going inside our body, form substrates for growth of different types of fungi, that infect our body, causing loose motions, indigestion, vomiting, acid reflux and fever. Thus, you need to change your diet to avoid suffering from these health complications. The phase 1 antifungal diet is a natural way to make your body immune to fungal infections, and it also helps in quick recovery. The foods incorporated in this diet plan are capable of cleansing your body from toxins and harmful substances that are released by the fungi.
Foods to Eat
The antifungal diet is often compared with a low carbohydrate diet, since it also restricts consumption of carbohydrates. A fungus easily thrives on sugary foods, and therefore, you have to curtail such foods from your diet. Fungi cleansing is best done by green vegetables and citrus fruits. Let’s find out the foods that could be included in the antifungal diet plan.
- Fruits: You have to limit yourself only to citrus fruits or fruits that do not contain sugars, since they hinder the process of fungal growth. Fruits that are safe for consumption are apples, lime, grapes, orange, grapefruits, cranberries, banana and guava.
- Organic: You must eat organic foods, since they are capable of cleansing your system. Grass fed chicken, beef, turkey, are considered healthy. Include green vegetables in your diet. Spinach, broccoli, carrots, cucumber, cabbage, olives, etc., accentuate the detoxification process.
- Nuts: They contain considerably less carbohydrates, and being rich in omega 3 fatty acids, they are much needed by your system. So you can have flax seed, cashews, almonds and walnuts.
- Others: You can also have eggs, fish, and herbal teas without sugar.
Foods to Avoid
It has been already mentioned that your diet will be devoid of carbohydrates and glucose. Sugary foods like pies, chocolates, cakes and creams, should be eliminated completely if you have been infected with fungus. Dairy products like butter, cheese, yogurt, cream, etc., should be limited as much as possible. Often, people have a misconception that cereals do not pose any threat to the body. This is completely wrong, because cereals are rich in complex carbohydrates, that should also be restricted while being on a phase 1 antifungal diet. Wheat products and white flour products like bread, pasta and noodles should be eliminated to a large extent. Sugary fruits like strawberries, cherries, raspberries, etc., cause fungal infections. Peanuts, corn, potatoes, artichokes, sweet potatoes and mushrooms are also excluded from this diet. You should also stay away from packed foods containing artificial sweeteners and preservatives.
You can plan your diet accordingly with the list of foods mentioned in the content above. Usually, the antifungal diet is suggested to people who have been diagnosed with fungal infections. Since they are more vulnerable, they can continue the diet for at least a month after recovery, followed by certain restrictions after the duration is over. In any case, you must consult a doctor before planning the meals, because your daily calorie intake will be substantially reduced due to elimination of carbs. As they say that prevention is better than cure, you must boost up your immune system naturally, by following a healthy balanced diet.