If you have a family history of diabetes, then you should know about prediabetes glucose levels. In this article we will discuss prediabetes and the glucose levels.
Prediabetes is a condition or state where a person has higher than normal blood sugar levels but they are not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. This condition is also referred to as impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). People who have prediabetes are more lively to eventually develop type 2 diabetes. This constant elevated level of blood sugar in the system will produce long term damage to the body in the form of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and eye damage. The most worrying fact about prediabetes is that it does not have any symptoms and most people do not even know that they suffer from this condition. Prediabetes glucose levels are higher than normal blood sugar levels but it is less than that of a person having diabetes.
Blood Glucose Levels
Prediabetes is seen in people who have a family history of diabetes as well as people who are overweight. Risk is high in people who are physically inactive, have high blood pressure, women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome and a history of cardiovascular diseases. People who fall under these categories should ideally test themselves for prediabetes every 2 to 3 years.
Condition | Fasting Glucose (mg/dl) | 2 Hours After Eating (mg/dl) |
Normal | <100 | <140 |
Prediabetes: IFG | 100 – 125 | <140 |
Prediabetes: IGT | <100 | 140 – 199 |
Prediabetes: IFG & IGT | 100 – 125 | 140 – 199 |
Diabetes | <126 | <200 |
In the above chart IFG means impaired fasting glucose and IGT means impaired glucose tolerance. These are the names of the two test conducted for detecting prediabetes.
Let us know more about prediabetes and how it occurs. Our body produces a hormone called insulin that helps the cells of the body to use the glucose in food. When a person has diabetes, the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or cannot use the insulin that the pancreas produce. When there is a buildup of glucose in the blood, it damages the blood vessels that are present in the kidney, heart and eyes. In prediabetes, the pancreas may not be able to produce enough insulin after a meal, or the cells of the body becomes insulin resistant. However, it is very important to treat it and bring your glucose levels to normal to have a healthy life.
Prediabetes blood glucose levels are higher than that of normal, but the good news is that the glucose levels can be brought down by prediabetes management. Research shows that overweight people can greatly reduce their blood sugar levels by losing 5 – 7% of their body weight. This combined with a healthy lifestyle and a proper meal plan can help to reduce prediabetes blood glucose levels. A prediabetes diet should include specific nutrients like omega 3 essential fatty acids, fiber, calcium and vitamin D. All these nutrients help to balance blood sugar and fight fat. You also need to reduce your sodium intake, bring LDL cholesterol down to 100 mg/dl or lower and avoid alcohol. Another thing to remember when you are trying to bring your glucose levels down is to focus on physical activity. Even half an hour of light exercise everyday can help you to keep glucose levels in check.
Prediabetes blood glucose levels can be brought down with a proper eating plan and by making changes in your lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes glucose levels and type 1 diabetes glucose levels are more than 126 mg/dl for fasting glucose and more than 200 mg/dl after 2 hours of eating. People who have prediabetes are at a greater risk of having type 2 diabetes, but with some dietary as well as lifestyle changes, it can be reversed.