Chest pain, dizziness, heart beating faster, shortness of breath and sweating are some of the warning signs of pre-heart attack in men. To know more about these symptoms, read on…
A heart attack is a condition in which blood circulation fails to reach a portion of the heart. Cholesterol buildup in the arteries (blood vessels that supply blood to the heart) causes formation of blood clots, thereby obstructing the blood circulation to the heart. Unhealthy diet (high in cholesterol) and sedentary lifestyle are primarily responsible for causing a heart attack. This condition is avoidable, provided its pre-heart attack symptoms are detected early. As the name suggests, pre-heart attack symptoms in men and women are those that are experienced prior to a heart attack. Early signs of heart attack in men are discussed below:
Pre-Heart Attack Signs in Men
There have been cases wherein patients have been complaining about pre-heart symptoms for about 6 months before actually experiencing a heart attack. In some cases, symptoms harass people for a couple of years before the emergency (heart attack) finally arrives. The point is, symptoms generally do not occur just a day before a heart attack strikes, although they may be experienced at the time of a heart attack.
Usually, a heart attack gives at least a week’s time notice before arriving. The symptoms come and go (recurring) but taking medical advice at the earliest is the need of the hour. Those who already suffered from a heart attack experienced these symptoms everyday for over a month before falling prey to this condition. Some of the pre-heart attack signs and symptoms in women and men are given below:
Chest Pain
Now, how many times have we seen and even heard of people holding their chest and writhing in pain before or during a heart attack. Several times! Isn’t it? There is no doubt that chest pain is one of the most common pre-heart attack symptoms in men but this feeling of chest discomfort is no way similar to one experienced during heartburn or indigestion.
The chest discomfort that occurs prior to a heart attack is more confined at the center of the chest and not on the left or right side of the chest. The pain typically manifest as a squeezing sensation around the heart. However, this squeeze, sometimes referred as intense pressure is more felt on the center of the chest. The pressure type pain on the chest may move up and affect the shoulders, arm, back and the neck area. Persistent left arm pain is often associated with heart problems.
Difficulty Breathing
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath also comes in the list of early signs of heart attack in men. Episodes of shortness of breath at regular intervals may indicate congestive heart failure (CHF) a condition when left untreated leads to a heart attack. CHF is a condition in which the capacity of the heart to pump adequate blood decreases. The weakened pumping action of the heart disturbs the blood circulation. As a result, the blood develops an unusual tendency to back up. This causes accumulation of fluids in the lungs, which leads to breathing problems.
Sleeping Problems
Sleep disturbances are also considered as one of the heart attack warning signs in men. People with heart problems often complain about difficulty sleeping even after a hard day’s work. In other words, a good night’s sleep taking a backseat for quite some time is a cause for concern and could indicate the presence of cardiovascular diseases.
Digestion Problems
As aforementioned, the heart’s ability to function properly reduces before a heart attack. This in turn, decreases the blood flow to organs that aid in digestion. As a result, due to inadequate blood supply, proper digestion is likely to take a backseat.
Nausea and Vomiting
Although nausea is a proven pre-heart attack symptom, patients tend to ignore it. Nauseating feeling that may lead to vomiting, is mainly due to indigestion. Men above 60 years old have higher chances of experiencing this symptom of heart attack.
Stomach Aches
Stomach cramps resulting from irregular digestive pattern could also suggest heart problems. Keep in mind that stomach aches that usually occur do not point towards any heart related issues. However, stomach pain accompanied by long-term digestion problems cannot be ignored and requires medical attention.
Excessive sweating after physical exertion is understandable but episodes of profuse sweating for no reason might indicate the symptom of a serious problem such as a heart attack. Those who are admitted to the hospital for a heart attack also mention about frequent sweating prior to heart attack.
With the onset of cardiovascular problems, the person will soon experience decreased energy levels. As the heart is unable to deliver enough oxygen and blood to important organs, a feeling of someone sapping the energy constantly accompanies the person. Experiencing exhaustion from mundane chores becomes a common phenomenon. No wonder, the tendency to get tired easily is regarded as an issue pertaining to heart problems.
So, those experiencing these health problems frequently need to immediately consult a doctor. Ignoring or keeping mum can be one of the biggest mistake of your life. Early diagnosis will ensure minimal damage to the heart. The doctor may perform diagnostic tests like angiogram, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram to evaluate the functioning of the heart. These tests also help to detect presence of narrowed arteries as well as assess the amount of blood the heart is receiving. In case, the tests notice any disturbances in heart function, the doctor will find out the root cause and accordingly advice treatment to improve heart health.