Probiotics can restore the balance of intestinal flora in your body. Probiotics for infants are perfectly safe and have many advantages.
The human body consists of numerous microorganisms including good and bad bacteria. For a healthy functioning of the body, a proper balance of good and bad bacteria is required. The same also implies to babies. However, this balance can easily get disrupted if you take a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics destroy the good bacteria in the body along with pathogens. As a result, you are at increased risk of developing thrush or candida and other E.coli infections. Probiotics are the substances which introduce live bacterial cultures in your body, in order to restore the balance of intestinal flora. A recent clinical research has cited that there are several health benefits of probiotics for infants.
Why to Use Probiotics
Infant digestive system is very weak. Since their bodies have never processed food before, the entire digestive system takes some time to get acquainted with the process. If in this state the balance of gut flora gets disrupted, child may suffer from baby colic, thrush and similar other infections. Even if the mother is on an antibiotic course, her breast milk can cause imbalance in the ecosystem of the baby. In such cases, the baby can benefit a great deal if she is given probiotics in some form. Naturally, probiotics can be found in yogurt, cottage cheese, pickles etc. However, they can also be formulated in the form of capsules or powder. Powdered probiotics are the best probiotics for children as they can be mixed with milk, formula or other baby food.
Probiotics for Infants with Eczema
As mentioned above probiotics improve the health of baby’s digestive system, immune system and overall body function. However, it is the digestion aiding property of probiotics which helps the babies against eczema. Eczema is primarily an allergic reaction to certain foods. Although, probiotics essentially do not alleviate this food allergy, they certainly suppress the allergic response to that particular food item. This means, your baby will have less rashes or other skin problems. Thus, in a way you can say that probiotics make your baby resistant to eczema. According to a clinical survey, introduction of probiotics especially lactobacillus reuteri, to your baby’s diet protects her from eczema reactions for up to 4 years, whereas the natural probiotic flora of baby can also provide protection for up to 2 years.
Probiotics for Infants with Reflux
Acid reflux or GERD is pretty common in infants. Babies vomit or regurgitate the food, which results to indigestion. Acid reflux is a common cause of colic in babies. This makes the babies cry for several hours. Feeding such babies becomes a challenge and further deteriorates their health. Acid reflux is also responsible for disrupting the balance of intestinal flora. Just like antibiotics, acid reflux can also reduce the population of beneficial bacteria in your baby’s gut. Introduction of probiotics especially Bifidobacterium animalis externally can restore the balance of intestinal flora, thereby improving the acid reflux in babies. Alleviation of acid reflux also means your baby will have lesser bouts of colic.
Are They Safe
As probiotics have immune boosting properties, they can also protect your baby from common infections like cold and flu etc. Better digestion due to probiotics leads to good metabolism in babies. As a result, your baby will have no feeding issues and continue to grow normally. Thus, probiotics for kids have myriad advantages. Parents must not get scared about exposing their babies to live bacteria, as introduction of probiotics for babies is entirely safe. However, infants with compromised immune system or digestive problems must not be treated with probiotics. Even healthy babies should be given probiotics with proper consent of a pediatrician.
Thus, probiotics could be a good way of protecting your child from possible infections and illnesses. Apart from the probiotic supplements, also ensure your child gets a natural supply of probiotics through food, once he/she grows up.