Prostate cancer is a disease predominantly encountered by men, where the cells in the prostate gland grow and reproduce at an abominable rate. There are specific stages of prostate cancer development.
Prostate cancer is a disease of the prostate gland, marked by the cells in the prostate gland growing and developing at an abnormal rate. It grows at a pace that deviates from normalcy. If left untreated, the defective cells may spread to other organs of the body and may cause havoc in the system. The risk factors are related to age. Age is the main factor for developing this disease. The treatment may pose to have certain side effects, such as impotency and Erectile Dysfunction. However, when the disease is detected in the prodromal stages, controlling and eradicating this disease is possible.
There is no proof or evidence, nor a reason that can state the definite causes. There have been no reasons found in order to understand why one man develops the disease and why the other does not. However, there have been certain risk factors that point toward causing cancer.
- Age is the main factor for prostate cancer. It has been found that men aged 65 and above, are at a greater risk of developing this type of cancer.
- Family history is another factor for developing prostate cancer. A man is at a greater risk of developing this disease if his father has developed the same earlier on.
- Men with higher prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia may be at an increased phase of countering this type of cancer. When viewed under the microscope, the prostate gland looks abnormal.
Listed here are some common symptoms aiding men to self-diagnose the condition and take necessary measures to cease the spread of the disease.
- Not being able to urinate
- Having a hard time starting or stopping the urine flow
- Needing to urinate often, especially at night
- Weak flow of urine
- Pain or burning during urination
- Difficulty having an erection
- A Painful ejaculation
- Blood in the urine or semen
Diagnosing Prostate Cancer
An important step in diagnosing is through grading the cancer cells. This means to understand the speed with which the prostate gland is growing, and how far the tumor is likely to grow and spread. Grading is done when the cells are borrowed from the biopsy test that was conducted to procure results of the prostate gland inflammation. This grading system is called the Gleason score. This scoring test assigns the disease a score that ranges from 2 to 10. The lower the grade, the slower the cancer develops or is developing.
However, when the grade is higher, the cancer is increasing at a faster and accelerated speed. Tumors that have a high-grade are likely to continue growing faster; also having the potential to spread to other parts of the body.
- Grade 4 or lower – The cells are similar to normal and they look less aggressive.
- Grade 5 to 7 – Intermediate stage where the cells are not similar to normal cells and the cells are supposed to be more powerful and aggressive.
- Grade 8 to 10 – Cells are extremely aggressive where growth is concerned.
There are four stages with an added fifth stage, called the recurrent stage. As we move through the article, we would know the stages one after the other.
Stage I
The tumor cells that are found in the prostate gland are few. Moreover, the cells are not very aggressive and are not in the position to pose potential danger.
Stage II
The tumor cells that are found in the prostate gland have not increased; however, the disease has become more aggressive in nature with the tumor getting larger. The tumor has not begun to spread and is still confined to the prostate gland.
Stage III
The tumor has reached the capsule that encloses the prostate gland and may also spread onto the seminal vesicles.
Stage IV
In stage 4 prostate cancer, the tumor has spread to other organs other than the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles.
This is a sign that the cancer once treated, has come back. If the cancer does not return, it can be said that the person is cured.
The sequential treatment adheres to understanding the details with regards to the localization of cancer, the stage of development it has reached, and the degree of organ encroachment of the disease. It is when these factors are taken into consideration, that the treatment is decided. External factors such as, the age, life expectancy in accordance to the cancer staging is also taken into consideration.
A relapse of the condition post treatment is also a calculated component in devising and administering treatment. The treatment options may include:
- Radiation Therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Surgery
- Hormone Therapy
- Waiting and watching the growth of the gland and taking the decision accordingly.
If you are uncomfortable with the way you feel, it is always advisable to consult your doctor for examination.