Prostate infection, also known as prostatitis, is a type of inflammation that causes the prostate to enlarge. In this write-up we will shed some light on the potential ways to be cured from this medicine.
Prostatitis is a type of inflammation of the prostate gland. There are times when there is inflammation of the prostate without any infection being the cause. The prostate gland is responsible for producing the semen through which the sperms travels. Prostatitis is an ailment that can affect men from all walks of life irrespective of their age, however middle-aged men are found to suffer from the ailment a lot more than other age groups. When one is infected, it is important to have some information on the potential causes, symptoms and treatment methods that can help in putting the ailment to rest. There are several prostate infection cure remedies through which the infection can be cured or controlled.
There are three types of prostatitis that men can be afflicted with; bacterial infections, chronic bacterial infection and chronic non-bacterial infection. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics and relievers administered to the patient. One experiences a constant urge to visit the bathroom marked by a severe urinary tract infection. Chronic bacterial infection is a condition where the infection keeps returning. It is when the bacterial infection keeps coming back in less than a span of 3 months it may be said that the condition is chronic. Chronic non-bacterial infections are characterized by pain in the genital areas and an increased frequency of urination.
Symptoms and Causes
The symptoms include an urge to frequently urinate with a decreased urine force and the urine stream being very light, pain while urinating accompanied with fever, chills and weakness. Pain while indulging in sexual intercourse is also marked as one of the potential symptoms that indicate an infection. The causes of infection may include having an enlarged prostate or countering bladder infection.
Lycopene can be used to cure prostate infection and it doesn’t have any side-effects as it is extracted from tomatoes. Similarly, if tomato juice is consumed once during the day, one may feel relieved as the constant urge of frequenting the bathroom is reduced. It is advisable to consume bland food. Spicy food or excessively fried food should be avoided as these may aggravate the symptoms. Certain activities such as swimming should also be avoided or rather discarded completely from your exercise regimen. A warm bath can prove to be very useful in reducing pain. A hot water bottle may help relieve the pain and inflammation that is caused due to the infection.
Eating spinach in the morning can help in treating this condition naturally, but if the idea of having spinach first thing in the morning isn’t tempting, you can instead opt for carrot juice. If you can lay you hands on gravel root and sea holly; consuming a syrup made by mixing those ingredients twice or thrice a day can be really beneficial. Some other methods of treating prostate infection are
- Administering a course of antibiotics.
- Alpha blockers that put the gland at rest and relieve pain.
- Anti-inflammatory medication.
- Surgical intervention; removing the infected areas of the prostate gland.
Prostate infection is a treatable condition, and the treatment for chronic infection may continue for 10 to 12 weeks. It is thus important that you follow the treatment as per doctor’s prescription. Ensure that you follow regular check ups and remain abreast about your condition. You can also keep yourself updated about the latest research in this field through health magazine or through the internet. It is important that you maintain a positive outlook as it will help you in speedy recovery.