Insulin resistance is a condition that is characterized by the body’s inability to use insulin effectively. It is possible to reverse this condition. This write-up provides tips for reversing insulin resistance.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It performs the vital function of regulating the glucose levels in blood. After eating, the glucose levels in our blood rise and at this juncture, insulin allows the cells to absorb glucose from the blood. In case of people affected by insulin resistance, the cells become resistant to the effects of insulin. In response to this condition, the pancreas produce more insulin. This results in an increase in blood glucose levels. In the absence of treatment, this condition could lead to type-2 diabetes. However, insulin resistance can be reverse by making some lifestyle-related changes. It can be reversed by following a proper diet that is low in sugar, and staying physically active.
Fiber-rich Diet
Research has proved that fiber content in food is very effective in reducing sugar level and thus helps to prevent diabetes. Fiber will neutralize the spike in the blood sugar caused by some foodstuffs. The ideal time to have fiber would be for breakfast.
Having low glycemic legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, etc., is another way for rectifying insulin resistance. These foodstuffs are known to slow down the release of sugars in the bloodstream, preventing excess release, which may lead to further health problems.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits like oranges and sweet limes, help in bringing down the body’s resistance to insulin. Yellow and dark green leafy vegetables also help the cause. All the fruits and vegetables which have prominent color, are good as they are loaded with antioxidants.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Proteins
Yes, having food items that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins can work wonders for your health. Beans, peas, eggs, and yogurt too are good sources of protein. Almonds are another addition to the list of foodstuffs which have good fat. Proteins and fiber when consumed in tandem, provide slow burning fuel for curbing the insulin spikes.
Spices like cinnamon, turmeric, and black pepper also help in regulating this problem. These offer several health benefits.
Avoid Processed Food
Processed foods must be completely avoided, if you are looking at improving your health and preventing diabetes. So, avoid canned food, canned juices, and the likes. Avoid fries, cakes, candies, cookies, donuts, and processed cheese too.
Also, being physically inactive can put you at a greater risk. So, follow an exercise regimen religiously. Avoid all alcoholic drinks, and cut down on the intake of carbohydrates. It is difficult to say how long it would take to reverse insulin resistance, as it depends on an individual’s overall health.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.