The medical condition of septicemia is caused by blood infection. The septicemia causes presented in this article should allow for understanding the topic in a better manner. Quick action is necessary to prevent septicemia from turning fatal…
The term septicemia is closely associated with sepsis. In fact, both the terms are used interchangeably. The condition of sepsis is one in which the whole body is inflamed. This kind of inflammation is the body’s response to infection caused by microbes; here the immune system responds to infection caused by microbes. The commonly used term for sepsis is blood poisoning. The condition of pathogenic infection that leads to sepsis is referred to as septicemia. Since there is no clear definition of septicemia, it is mostly used in exchange of sepsis.
Causes of Septicemia
Pathogenic bacteria of different types are responsible for causing septicemia. These bacteria contaminate blood of the affected/infected person and the condition is therefore, known as blood poisoning. There many different ways other than pathogenic infection through which septicemia is caused. The different symptoms of septicemia include rapid breathing, diarrhea, rapid pulse, decreased urination, nausea & vomiting and low body temperature. Having an idea of the different symptoms of septicemia is necessary before getting into the details of its causes. All the different blood infection causes are presented below.
Wounds and Cuts
Surgical wounds or cuts are amongst the important blood infection causes. If these cuts begin to feel hot (inflamed) there could be a possibility of infection resulting into septicemia. The cuts turn red and streaks may come out on them. In some cases, pus oozes out of these wounds. It is advisable to do a check-up for infection if any of these signs are observed. The loss of blood through wounds and cuts is responsible for lowering the immunity. Chances of getting infected therefore, increase to a great extent.
Internal Injury
Internal injury can be caused during accidents. Stomach injury is one of the causes of septicemia in many cases. Rupture of the intestine, appendix, etc., caused by accidents are amongst the important causes of septicemia. Gallbladder disease is also one of the causes of internal injury. The different types of ruptures/perforations in the stomach and especially the intestinal tract cause the contents of bowel to spill into adjoining body parts. The blood is thereby exposed to bacteria present in bowel contents.
Burns are amongst major septicemia causes; burns provide entry points for germs to get into the body. Third degree or larger burns are more prone to infection. Such types of burns can also damage the nerve endings. The pain at site of burn is not felt if nerve endings get damaged. Since the pain is not felt, visual inspection is necessary to diagnose these burns.
Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune disorders are not directly related to septicemia. However, these disorders are responsible for lowering the immunity of a person. Chances of getting infected increase with the presence of any such disorder.
Partial Miscarriage
A missed or partial miscarriage gives rise to a condition in which chances of infection increase. The infection in the uterus is the main cause behind septicemia.
Septicemia Treatment
Antibiotics are mainly used in the treatment of septicemia. However, other treatment measures like fluid replacement also are employed for this medical condition. The different medical procedures which come under, and are related to septicemia treatment, include hemodialysis (in case of kidney failure), blood transfusion, mechanical ventilation (for treating pulmonary dysfunction) and fluid and drug therapy (if there is failure of circulatory system). Providing the patients with adequate nutrition is necessary for fast recovery. Enteral feeding (tube feeding) is the method used for supplying the patients with enough amount of nutrients. In chronic or prolonged illness, intravenous/parenteral feeding is used.
Timely Action
It is important to act immediately upon detection of septicemia in order to deal with this medical condition successfully. The chances of septicemia turning fatal increase by 7% for every hour of delay. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) is an initiative taken for educating people about septicemia.
Understanding septicemia causes is the first step in dealing with this medical condition effectively. Vigilance and alertness are two important things that help in detection of septicemia in a timely manner. Symptoms of septicemia being similar to that of other medical conditions, there are chances of the actual problem going unnoticed. If any of the above mentioned signs/symptoms are observed, one should consult a medical practitioner so as to take proper action.