Severe pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen is usually caused due to medical conditions related to the kidney or the urinary tract. Here is brief information on the potential causes and their remedies.
Some of the vital organs of the body are located in the abdominal region. Sometimes infection, inflammation, injury or any unknown reason can hinder the normal functioning of these organs, thereby triggering the onset of a disease. In such cases, abdominal pain and discomfort is the first signal given by the body. But, sharp pain in the lower part of the stomach is usually a symptom of a serious ailment.
Bladder Cancer
An uncontrolled growth of malignant or cancerous cells in the urinary bladder gives rise to bladder cancer. The exact cause of bladder cancer is not known; however, smoking, exposure to chemicals and radiation, etc., are believed to be its risk factors.
➡ Symptoms: Apart from sharp lower abdominal pain; difficulties and pain in urination, blood in urine, back pain, etc., are the other symptoms of bladder cancer.
➡ Treatment: Fortunately, bladder cancer can be identified and diagnosed at an early stage. Similar to other types of cancer, treatment of bladder cancer depends on factors like its severity, progression, etc. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the traditional cancer treatment methods that are used for treating bladder cancer. As it can be diagnosed at an early stage, survival rate is higher.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is a complication in pregnancy that occurs when the fertilized egg gets implanted in parts of the female reproductive system other than the uterus. The incidence of egg getting implanted in the fallopian tube is higher. The cause of ectopic pregnancy is unknown.
➡ Symptoms: Vaginal spotting is the most common symptom of ectopic pregnancy. Sharp and stabbing pain in the abdomen and in the pelvic region, dizziness, etc., are the other signs of this condition.
➡ Treatment: Ectopic pregnancy, if not detected at an early stage, can be life-threatening. In early stages, medications can help in preventing the development of the egg. In later stages, a laparoscopy or open abdominal surgery may be required to remove the egg. It is recommended for women to keep a check on symptoms observed during pregnancy, and consult the doctor if any abnormalities are found.
Kidney Stone
Kidney stones are formed when the excess uric acid and calcium in the body gets converted into crystalline stones. It is one of the most common reasons for pain in the lower abdomen and the lower back. Not drinking enough water, suffering from any medical condition like urinary tract infection, gout, etc., are the causes of kidney stones.
➡ Symptoms: Apart from lower abdominal and lower back pain, difficulties and pain during urination, nausea, vomiting, etc., are the other symptoms of kidney stone.
➡ Treatment: The treatment depends on the size of the stone. Smaller stones can be passed using medicines. On the other hand, you may require an invasive surgery to get rid of larger stones. The doctor will also prescribe pain relievers to treat stomach and back pain, and other symptoms. Doctors recommend dietary and lifestyle changes to get quick relief and also to prevent its recurrence.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, with no known cause. Sensitivity to food, mental health problems, genetics, etc., are believed to be the potential causes. This condition is characterized by alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea, and accompanied with other health conditions.
➡ Symptoms: Abnormal bowel movement, pain and discomfort while passing stools, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal bloating, cramping, flatulence, etc., are the symptoms of this condition.
➡ Treatment: Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for irritable bowel syndrome; but there are remedies that help in alleviating the symptoms. Following a proper diet, exercising regularly, following a proper lifestyle, etc., can help in reducing the severity and frequency of this disease.
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a general term used to describe infection in any organ of the urinary tract like the urethra, ureter, kidneys and the urinary bladder. The infection may be caused by overgrowth of bacteria present in the urinary tract due to retention of urine for a long time every day. Indulging in sexual intercourse with a person suffering from this infection may put a person at an increased risk of developing UTI. However, it should be noted that it is not considered a sexually transmitted disease.
➡ Symptoms: Along with sharp pain in the lower abdomen, the other symptoms observed are difficulty during urination (constant urge for urination, burning sensation while urinating), rectal pain, etc.
➡ Treatment: Antibiotics are effective for treating UTI. Antibiotics can help in treating nearly all cases of UTI. In severe cases, intravenous antibiotics may be administered.
Other Causes
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Endometriosis
- Endometrial cancer
- Ulcerative colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Hernia
Only In Females
- Ovarian cysts
- Uterine fibroids
- Menstrual cramps
Only In Males
- Twisted testicles
- Prostatitis
It is recommended to consult the doctor immediately in case you observe any of the aforementioned symptoms. Nowadays, numerous techniques are used to diagnose the cause of pain like X-ray, MRI, physical examination; blood, urine and other tests. However, there are a few things to look for.
➡ What is the nature or type of pain?
➡ What is the duration of pain? When do you experience it?
➡ Can you explain the exact location of pain? Is it limited to that particular area?
➡ Do you experience any other symptoms?
➡ Can you explain any potential reason that can be the cause for pain? Like injury?
A Few Dos and Don’ts
✔ If severe stomach pain is accompanied with any other symptom like nausea, vomiting, difficulty in urination, etc., seek medical help immediately.
✔ Abdominal pain, without any other symptom, may ease on taking rest, or using home remedies like heating pad.
✔ Pregnant women should bring any abnormalities, signs and symptoms, to the doctor’s notice immediately.
✘ Do not take any painkillers or medicines, without consulting the doctor.
✘ It is not recommended to use home remedies, herbal remedies, etc., in case of babies and infants.
Severe pain in the lower stomach can be treated effectively in most of the cases. It is just necessary to consult the doctor, undertake the required tests and get the condition treated immediately.
Disclaimer: This article is meant only to provide information. It is not to be substituted for a doctor’s advice and treatment.