There may be several medical reasons for the sharp stomach pains that come and go. Here are some common stomach ailments that might be causing this health problem.
Pain felt anywhere between the chest and the groin is considered as a form of abdominal pain. There can be several possible explanations for the sudden and sharp stomach pains that come and go, though, the major cause seems to be excessive acidity. Though it is very important to take note of the area around your abdomen where it hurts the most. This helps in determining whether the pain is localized to a specific area or not, in case if it is localized then there may be some particular diagnosis for it. For example, people who suffer from appendicitis often experience shooting pain around the area for a few days, which they tend to pass off as normal stomach ache until the pain really aggravates.
Lactose Intolerance
Diarrhea comes without a warning, and it isn’t always possible to pinpoint its cause. Though what makes this health problem unbearable at times is the sharp abdominal pain that is accompanied with diarrhea. Many people suffer from Lactose intolerance which makes it difficult to digest the natural sugar found in milk and most dairy products.
Lower Abdominal Pain
Sometimes, the stomachache may be due to a condition of the intestines. It is not a cause of concern and can be easily rectified. Diverticulitis makes it difficult for the intestines to digest food and therefore causes sharp pain in lower abdomen. Though, a high fiber diet helps ease this problem completely. However, in women it may also be due to menstrual cycles which can be controlled with proper prescribed medicines.
Viral Gastroenteritis
However, if the stool is watery and you feel the urge to relieve yourself several times a day, you may likely be suffering from gastroenteritis. The best home remedy that helps tackle this health problem is to take plenty of rest and have ORS or oral re-hydration solution which is a combination of salt and glucose sugar. Children must be given this solution 5-6 times a day accompanied with bland food and plenty of liquids such as clear soup or juices.
Bacterial Diarrhea
The symptoms of this health condition are a bit more aggravated as compared to stomach flu. The symptoms include severe stomach cramps, acidity and watery diarrhea or stool with mucous like secretion. This may be followed by fever and nausea. Medical intervention is needed in these cases, so as to recover quickly. This disease is curable and not that dangerous. It is mostly caused due to contaminated food and water. Though the tricky aspect about this disease is that it is contagious, therefore if one member in the family gets it, its most likely to spread to the other members. Maintaining proper hygiene can help prevent it from spreading to the children as infants are very susceptible to this bacterial stomach problem.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
This is a stress related syndrome that is commonly diagnosed in adults, wherein the bowel movements tend to fluctuate between constipation or diarrhea. The problem occurs when food moves either too quickly or too slowly through the large intestine which often causes sharp stomach pains that occur in quick successions. It also leads to upper abdominal pain and bloating especially in women. Food rich in fiber usually does the trick to help reduce the dilemma to quite an extent.
If the problem keeps recurring or if the sharp pain in the stomach gets aggravated, the diagnosis may be different. It would be safer to get a through check up done, and to let your doctor know in detail as to what precisely are your symptoms.