If you are looking for the various options through which slipped disc can be treated, you have come to the right page. Scroll down for the details.
Between the vertebrae or the bones of our spine, there are some cartilage discs made up of a circle of connective tissue with a gel like core. These discs act like shock absorbing pads and are also responsible for the flexibility of the spine. These connective tissues might break or rupture or split due to several reasons such as an injury due to improper lifting or weakening of the tissues due to age, or falling down in an awkward position which injures the spine or maybe due a sudden acute trauma (which is a rare case). When the tissues break, a gel like substance is released which runs into the other tissues, thus exerting pressure, either, on a single nerve or on the spinal cord. This is what we commonly know as ‘Slipped Disc’. To know what those are, keep reading.
It is necessary to treat slipped disc, also known as herniated disc, as soon as possible. Once a person shows any of the slipped disc symptoms, he/she should seek immediate medical assistance. If this is not treated on time, severe complications like increase in the pain, loss of sensation, constant numbness and bowel dysfunction are some of the complications that may arise. Mentioned below are various treatment options for slipped disc.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapists make the use of a number of treatments in order to treat the severe lower back pain in the person suffering from slipped disc. In addition to showing some exercises that need to be performed, the therapist can also make use of the various therapies like traction and electrical stimulation. Once the pain begins to reduce, the physical therapist can then suggest some rehabilitation programs which will help in increasing the core strength of the back. He/she will also show some exercises and precautionary methods to help avoid future injuries.
Heat and Cold Therapy
Another slip disc treatment, the heat and cold therapy is always suggested by the doctors as it provides a lot of relief for the back pain. Ice packs are used as the cold therapy while gentle heat is provided to the back as heat therapy. Alternating between these therapies is also said to work well in treatment of a slipped disc and shows effective results.
Bed Rest
Bed rest is the most effective treatment for slipped disc. The person needs to rest his/her back since it pains to no end. However, doctors don’t advise continuous bed rest as it can make the muscles stiff and weak. Hence, some movements followed by some bed rest works best in reducing the back pain.
Medication is another herniated disc treatment options. Pain killers are prescribed by the doctor in order to reduce the back pain and the inflammation in the back. Muscle relaxants are also prescribed to reduce the spasms in the back. Neuropathic pain medications as well as corticosteroids may also be given, in the injection form, directly in the spinal region.
If all the above treatments fail or if the pain turns severe or if the slipped disc becomes very serious, then the person may require herniated disc surgery. Microdiskectomy is the most common surgery for slipped disc. This surgery involves either trimming the other discs to get to the compressed nerves and make them right, or it may involve the use of surgical microscope to make small incisions around the affected area to reduce the pain. Stitches or staples are used to close these incisions. As these are small surgeries the recovery time is also less. The person may go home the same day or the next depending on the complexity of his/her case. The person can start off with his/her regular activities between three to six weeks from the surgery.
Limiting the daily activities and following the treatment plan as prescribed by the doctor will help in treating the back properly. There are exercises which can be done after the surgery and a physical therapist needs to be consulted for the same. Taking rest and not performing jerky movements is an equally important part of the treatment. Alternative medicines like acupressure, yoga and massage can also be opted for. What the person needs to remember is that slipped disc will pain and hence it is necessary to learn ways to cope up with the pain. Managing stress and avoiding triggering the pain should be practiced in order to get faster relief from slipped disc.