Have you had that sore on scalp that won’t heal for quite some time now? It’s time you did something about it. Start by reading the following article to find out what could be the possible causes and how to effectively deal with your situation.
Your scalp is that part of your anatomy where a significant patch of your skin is covered under dense (well, on an average!) integumentary foliage and exposed to the environmental elements at the same time. That just complicates things a notch more than usual, doesn’t it?
Well, to begin with, exposure to the elements means exposure to environmental pathogens and contaminants that lead to infections and it becomes really difficult to clean and treat any dermatological condition of the scalp as the dense and abundant hair growth around the effected region makes application of medication quite a task.
Also, this jungle of hair attracts and traps dirt and dust which further irritate skin infections on the scalp, not to mention sweat and sebaceous secretions from surrounding locations accumulating in hair roots and making things worse for the sufferer.
Last, but not the least, hair being one of the most personal premises of an individual’s vanity and self-image, it becomes really difficult to get someone suffering from scalp infections to part with it even when such a person fully understands the fact that this shearing is temporary and is for his/ her own benefit. So you see, when the case at hand is a sore on scalp that won’t heal, the issue of dealing with it is anything but simple.
Sore on Scalp That Doesn’t Heal : Possible Causes and Treatment Approach
So, you’ve been feeling a sore spot on your scalp that either feels itchy or gives you a painful, burning sensation if your comb or hair brush happens to accidentally scrape across it every time you attempt to groom or style your hair. As usual, you’d go on to investigate the suspicious region with tactile probing with your fingers.
Does the sore feel moist to touch? More often than not, that would be the usual scenario. Take a look the finger with which you touched the sore – what do you see? Is it a sore that bleeds, or is that a clear fluid that the sore is secreting? Are hair around the sore spot falling off?
Well, the following points list out the possible causes of your condition if you’re experiencing any combination of the aforementioned symptoms.
- Fungal infection of the skin, especially ringworm.
- Bacterial infection, usually caused by any Staph species.
- A viral infection such as shingles, chickenpox or herpes simplex (yes, cold sores can be carried to any part of the anatomy via contagion) may also lead to weeping scalp sores.
- Allergic reaction to food, medicines, any cosmetic product or environmental allergen.
- Hormonal imbalances causing excessive sebum production can lead to clogged pores on the scalp, leading to bumps and sores on scalp with hair loss and dandruff.
- Stress, exhaustion, anxiety and emotional turbulence can also lead to hormonal shifts, leading to sores and rashes on various anatomical locations.
- Contact dermatitis
- Crest scleroderma
- Eczema
- Peripheral neuropathy
Most often than not, the inherent conditions themselves do not cause much damage beyond giving rise to sores and rashes. However, all that itching and scratching the sores and surrounding areas in order to relieve the itch or burning sensation makes matters worse and only serve to aggravate the condition.
The best and most effective way to deal with a scalp sore that won’t heal is to go and see a dermatologist immediately in order to start treatment early and nip the condition in the bud. However, before consulting a doctor and in due course of carrying out the treatment regime, make sure you don’t touch, scratch or pick at the sore, no matter how much you’re tempted to do so.
Aggravating the sore will only make it more vulnerable to further contamination and interfere with the healing process. Be regular with whatever medical preparations are prescribed for topical application and make sure you neither exceed nor skip doses of medicines that are prescribed for oral administration.
Although getting rid of all your hair, even if it is for a short time, may not be a desirable thing, getting the hair around the sore trimmed would be a good idea as this will allow the scalp to breathe and the sore or lesion to get well aired.
This would help accelerate the healing process as good air circulation would keep the wound dry, preventing it from becoming a breeding ground for harmful bacteria or fungi. Also, during the entire course of treatment, it is advisable to stay away from alcohol and junk food.
Consuming fresh, least-processed food such as fruits, fresh juices, vegetables, milk, cereals, etc. is a good way to keep the body detoxified and strengthen the immune system so that your body fights the infection from within as the medicated ointments and lotions do their job from the outside.
Drink lots of water to keep sebum production under control. Healing is a holistic process and the desired objective can be achieved only when there is a harmonious balance between nutrition and medication.