Sores on scalp need to be treated as soon as possible so that you can get quick relief from the discomfort associated with it. Read this article and you will get to know how to treat sores on scalp.
Scalp sores can be described as painful spots on the scalp skin. In some cases, the sores are found only in some areas of the scalp, whereas in other cases, they spread over the entire scalp. These sores are tender to touch and often cause a lot of itching. You find it difficult to comb the hair because of such painful symptoms. Sometimes, bumps or blisters also appear there. When the condition worsens some sores may even bleed or get filled up with pus. Such a condition may cause permanent loss of hair from the affected spot.
If you have tightly braided hair or you use tight rubber bands on your hair, then you can get sores on your scalp. This is because the hair is pulled so badly that sores form at the hair roots. Another common reason behind scalp sores is the harsh chemicals present in various hair care products that include shampoos. Such strong chemicals strip off the natural oils from the scalp skin and make it highly sensitive. Besides, a number of infections and skin conditions are responsible for this.
A few key causes are listed below:
- Ringworm, a fungal attack on the scalp skin. It can be identified with swollen, round patches on the skin surface that are red in color.
- Folliculitis is a bacterial infection affecting the hair follicles. Its symptoms are itchy skin rashes, tender and inflamed skin and pus-filled blisters.
- Various forms of viral infections such as chickenpox and shingles.
- Acne outbreak on scalp.
- Contact dermatitis or skin allergies.
- Scalp psoriasis is an immune system disorder where the growth of the skin cells get accelerated resulting in the formation of red, scaly sores on scalp that tend to bleed quite often.
When you visit a dermatologist for treatment of scalp sores, he will conduct a thorough physical examination of the sores to understand the skin condition that causes them. Then the treatment is carried out to cure the underlying skin disorder in order to get rid of the sores. Oral antifungal medicines are used for the treatment of ringworm. These medicines have to be continued for 4-12 weeks depending on the severity of the infection. Along with these medicines, antifungal shampoos should be used on the scalp to cure the ringworm patches.
Any bacterial skin infection is treated with the help of suitable antibiotics. Skin problems like contact dermatitis or scalp acne usually do not require any oral medicines. They can be treated with the help of specific medicated shampoos, and creams and ointments that are prescribed for topical application. If it is caused by tight braids, then you will be advised to redo the braids. Exposure to harsh chemicals present in hair care products should be avoided completely for the time being.
The sores caused by scalp psoriasis are very difficult to treat as the patients have to continue with the treatment for a long time. There are many different methods of scalp psoriasis treatment. Each method of treatment may not suit every patient. So, doctors often apply more than one technique for treatment. This way they can decide which treatment suits the patient most.
Some patients respond well to oral medicines and others need medicines to be administered through injections. Medicated creams are also given for topical application to heal up the sores. If the patient does not respond well to the medicines administered internally and externally, then the sores are treated with phototherapy. In this treatment, the scalp sores are exposed to light of certain wavelength in order to slow the abnormal growth of skin cells.
Natural Remedies
There are a number of naturally occurring substances that can be used for sores on scalp treatment. A few of them are as follows:
Lavender Oil: Massage your scalp with unscented lavender oil regularly. This eases off the discomfort caused by scalp sores. It has the quality to heal up the damaged section of hair follicles caused by harsh chemicals and can stimulate hair growth on those spots.
Neem Oil: If eczema or psoriasis is the cause behind scalp sores, then you can safely use neem oil on them. It reduces the dryness and itchiness of the skin and improves the overall skin condition. Those who have dandruff problem has also benefited greatly from this treatment.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal has a soothing effect on the sores on scalp. Soak one-forth cup of oatmeal in two cups of hot water for 30 minutes. Then take some fresh rosemary stalks and soak it in water for 10 minutes. Strain out the oatmeal. Combine the rosemary soaked water with the oatmeal water and apply the mixture thus obtained on the scalp generously and wait for 10 minutes. After that, wash off the scalp.
White Vinegar: Dilute half cup white vinegar in 3 cups of water. Use this solution to rinse your scalp 2 – 3 times a week. This will prevent formation of any new sores on the scalp and will provide relief from the itchy sensation too.
You must consult your doctor if you notice sores on your scalp. Any delay in the treatment can aggravate the problem further. If the sores bleed and scab forms on them, then you may lose hair from that area permanently.