Stage 1 lung cancer is the early stage where the cancer is confined and has not metastasized as yet. If detected in this stage, lung cancer can be cured without any difficulty.
All of us are aware of the fact that the spread of cancer in the body is based on staging. The early stage, or stage 1, of any cancer is the beginning stage of this deadly disease, and it is confined to one area from where it begins to spread and affect other healthy regions in the body. Similarly, in stage 1 lung cancer, the malignant tumor is present in the lungs and hasn’t yet started its journey of destruction. The tumor in this stage is referred to as the primary tumor and is confined to either of the lungs, where it first grows.
Lung cancer is one of the deadliest types of cancers, claiming maximum number of lives. Almost all of us are mindful that smoking is one of the reasons why some people contract cancer. Not only active, but passive smoking (termed as second hand smoking) is equally harmful. Nicotine in cigarettes is toxic in nature and can cause the cells to develop in an unhealthy manner at a breakneck pace.
Overexposure to pollutants, carcinogenic materials and harmful radiation, alcoholism are some other factors that trigger the growth of abnormal cells in the lungs. There are two types of lung cancer – small cell and non small cell carcinoma. In the first stage of lung cancer, the abnormal cells grow into a tumor but are confined to the lung. In this stage the tumor remains benign and does not invade the lymph nodes or nearby tissues.
Stage 1 Lung Cancer Symptoms
Detecting the early symptoms of lung cancer can be productive in treating this health disorder successfully and the survival rates are also high. Here are some of the symptoms of the initial stage of lung cancer, as observed in the affected individuals.
- Chronic or persistent cough, also referred to as ‘smoker’s cough’
- Breathlessness, due to constriction of the airway
- Discomfort in the chest region
- Shallow breathing, accompanied by sounds (or wheezing)
- Traces of blood in the sputum, also referred to as hemoptysis
- Recurring lung infections like bronchitis or pneumonia
- Change in the voice, or hoarseness in the throat
- Chest pain
- Unexplained weight loss
- Fatigue and generalized body weakness, accompanied by body ache
Stage 1 Lung Cancer Prognosis
The first stage of lung cancer can be easily treated, if the symptoms are identified and the diagnosis is carried out on time. Diagnostic tests may include chest X-ray, MRI and CT scan, and a biopsy of the lung tissue. After the tests, treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation to destroy the cancerous cells and hinder their metastasis. The prognosis for lung cancer is determined on the age and health condition of that individual, stage at which the cancer was diagnosed and how the individual responds to the treatment administered.
The life expectancy is fairly good, owing to the timely diagnosis and prompt treatment. The survival rate for this stage of lung cancer is higher, given to the fact that the cancer is detected in its early stages and necessary treatment is administered to destroy the tumor and other harmful tissues in the lungs. This may not only curb the disease from invading other organs but may also completely eradicate it from the body.
Unfortunately, stage 4 cancer life expectancy for lung cancer, or for that matter any other cancer, is bleak owing to the fact that the cancer has metastasized to almost every part of the part and is causing deterioration. On the other side, the good news about the initial stage of lung cancer, is that it is treatable and the patient can lead a near-normal life. Stay healthy!